Monday, November 8, 2010

The Angry Kid Inside Us

During the summer I was a school age teacher at my church's daycare. The kids varied from kinder - 5th grade. For the most part the kids were a enjoy to be around. However, some were particularly hard to manage.

For example, I had a kid in my class who had a huge temper. Anything could set him off, into his rage. Well, it happened and he was going off on other kids. So I had to grab him and call for help. I took him to another room, gave him one of those soft balls that can't hurt no one. He started to throw it, against the wall. Then he started to grab the books and threw them around.

As he kept throwing stuff, he yelled out why am I so, mad? He broke down and started to cry. I sat there, not knowing what to do. But this kid was not a bad kid. He was a great kid, one of my favorites. He knew all the answers, he was a really sharp kid.

He went to the corner he was ashamed of what he had done.

It got me thinking, don't we have angry kid moments? When we get mad and lash out at people we love. What about, getting angry at God and taking it out on him?

Are we any different than the kids who act up and lose their temper? We have our moments, right?

I couldn't help, but see the angry kid as a angry person wailing on someone. I think, at times we find someone, something to blame. But we reach a point of brokenness, a realization of what we are doing, cannot continue.

So..... are you angry kid right now? Are you blaming, wailing on others for things they have nothing to do with?

We have our moments..... what's the response?

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