Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Elvis

Have you ever confronted a sandwich of epic proportion? Yesterday I encountered a sandwich that was truly epic. I went to Which wich. I had been there before. But this time I was a little adventurous in my ordering. I ordered the Elvis. The Elvis contains your choice of bread (I got wheat) with a interesting combination of bananas, honey, and peanut butter. If your heart desires, nuts, or jelly, they can make it happen. For the meat- lovers I heard you can include bacon, that would be interesting.

The Elvis has a simple combination for a sandwich. But it packs a punch of yummy goodness.

So next time you go to Which wich, order the Elvis.

Do you have any personal favorite sandwiches, I should try?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Island In The Sun

Is the day really 24 hours? Some days it seems shorter and at times it can be an eternity.

In this high pace, never stopping world we live in. Its useful, to have a getaway. Or for me, since I like the beach theme "Island in the Sun" (name inspired by the Weezer song). Whenever I get the chance to getaway from life in general. I pounce on the prospect of taking it easy.

Getaways are different for everybody. But I believe its, a necessary luxury that at times, we forget to utilize. Getaways are simple, just Relax! You don't have to get on a plane and travel to have a getaway. You can share it with family and close friends, take a walk, or simply turn the radio on, and let it loose. Quiet times are effective too.
There are many ways. But the point is to get your mind off things for a couple of minutes. To give youself ample time to just relax briefly. Getaways are time for you to get re-energized, to shift your focus, or to contemplate.

So during the day take time to just getaway for a couple of minutes.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bold As Love

A couple of summers ago I went on a mission trip to Tennessee. On the trip we had a diverse group of people. From youth to young married couples. We even had some elders. We all were assigned prayer partners. As I saw all my peers. Receiving cool things from their pray partner.

I thought I just got a letter with a reference to Jimi Hendrix and bunch of bible verses. My prayer partner was a college student. I only received two letters out of a span of a week. But I have kept those two letters. That hold so much truth within them. The letters have really been encouraging and impactful even to this day.

Since Valentines Day is tomorrow, I thought I share one of the two. It happens to be about love and its boldness. Enjoy!


Jimi Hendrix once sang, "we're all bold as love." Although he was wrong about all of us being bold, I think there is truth in his words. Love is bold. Love makes you do stupid things and not care about critics. Love makes you weak and strong at the same time. "Love keeps no record of wrongs."- this is boldness.

Read1 Corinthians 13, and while you read, remember the boldness involved in patience and long suffering and humility. I pray that you would be filled with the boldness of God's love.

God is love. If we desire love we must desire God. This also is bold. For to desire God is to desire the infinite, all surpassing Being who created you.

I encourage you to ask the Lord what it means to abide in His love(John 15:9). And then ask Him to help you do it(Hebrews 4:16). This is bold. Don't ask if you aren't willing to be consumed by His love.

Love is selfless. Be bold as Love, even as your High Priest is bold.

Happy Valentines to all!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What Is History?

I'm a history major, and I know people, tell me. I can't do anything with a history degree. But that's beside the point. My first upper division course of history. Where I had 15 people in a class, instead of a thousand. The professor assigned E.H. Carr's What is History?

To be honest, it was nothing groundbreaking(to me). If anything, it got me confused about history. The writing was interesting, to a certain point.

However, it did, break down all those assumptions I had of history. I bought a copy of the book. I haven't even finished it yet. But it challenged me to think about the question. What is history?

History to me is, a discipline that encompasses a variety of other disciplines. History allows people to go beyond the noticeable and dig deeper. History informs, challenges, and inspires. History grabs a topic, so specific and covers it on a grander scale. History answers the, so what?

That's my take.

What is history to you?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I've been blessed, to have multiple opportunities to go around the world. To see different cultures, people, and beliefs. In general, I love to travel and see something new. I've been on countless mission trips, and seen incredible things.

I know God has called me to the mission field. I love helping people, and letting them know there is hope. So for the time being, I'm in school and I'm aching to finish so I can go in missionary mode 24/7. Sure I have a lot to learn, and God hasn't giving the green light to go full time. Not to mention on the dynamics that are involved to make it a reality.

But as I go down every Monday night to feed the homeless. I've really started to get to know people. Their names, stories, and for the few, their fears. But as the ministry goes along. You run into people who ask, hard to answer questions. The questions, that make you pause for a moment.

Every Monday, we provide food, drinks, and a listening ear. We also provide prayer and encouragement. But we get individuals who come over and ask for......... well, for more.

Like, "I don't need food I need a job" "Can I have 20 dollars?" " I don't want soup I want a home" "Can you bail my boyfriend out of jail?" "Why are you doing this?" "Why do you have money and not me?"As much as, it breaks my heart for anybody to be living in the streets. Is there a limit to what we can do? Is it that we are afraid to across that line to the unknown?

Helping out a complete stranger. Why is it so hard?

That if we go to far, we can't get out? But wait! We are helping people in dire need, right? So why is, it so hard to accommodate those needs. Is there something about strangers that scares people away. Which gives them reason to not help. That if we, do help, what would be the cost?

But is their a limit to what we can do?
Will food and a listen ear, be sufficient?
For those in need?