Monday, June 27, 2011

The Push

God allows us, to go through certain things. So that, in the future we are equipped to help someone going through something similar.

Case and point. A young 20 year old man who was born with a bum leg. When he was little, he could not go to school, because his leg would not allow him to walk great distances. He never finished school, also, he found out he has a learning disability. Through all this he is trying to learn English. He feels alone, stupid, ill- equipped for his own ambitions.

I know, the struggle of feeling insufficient towards school. I also know the battle of having a learning disability. He has been a life long battle. So, I sat there hold back tears, praying for a friend. But, when I finished the prayer. I told him that he must have confidence in himself, but more importantly confidence in the plans that Jesus has for him.

The push was given. I too received a push from someone who helped me, when I felt just like this 20 year old. The push is to seek God fully to know that you know nothing, that you must fully surrender.

Our conversation ended. The push had been given he was smiling. We exchanged contact information. I could not help but cry and see that God had just shown himself to him.

That my struggle, inability was used as strength for someone else. He waved bye. I now realize your weakness is your strength.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Consistency: People Are Inconsistent

As humans we can try to be consistent in everything we do. Yet, we will fail in this endeavor, we call consistency. We want it, most of us want to emulate it. But the reality is we are not built to be consistent. The only thing that really is consistent is how inconsistent we are....

Which brings me to this. I grew up in a very consistent environment. My family was a family that strive for consistency. My parents were always there for my brother, sister and I. We always had food on the table. There were no internal family struggles, that were tearing us apart. But, by no means were we perfect. Overall, I had an expectation of people, because of my environment. That people were going to be consistent.

It has taken me a long time to realize. People will fail you, hurt you, deceive you among other things. But the real problem is that most of us, hinge everything we have on people. In many ways, its a 50/50 chance of success or fail. Not good odds.

So, over time I have started to see my reliance on people. And why I have pursued it human interaction, friendships, relationships etc. Those things are good, but they can hinder us in our pursuit of relying on something much bigger and better.

Hebrew 13:8 clearly states the consistency of Christ. Which means his love, patience, wisdom, hope, goodness and all that He is remains the same. It never changes, Christ does not leave you, ignore you, deceive you, like people.

Our dependence should be on Christ and Christ alone. You might say, this is obvious! And I would respond with " of course" but why do we neglect this simple truth? Why do we so heavily rely on people to fix things for us?

Christ is the only constant we will ever encounter. People are a crutch to us, in allowing God to be our constant.

People can serve as a great outlet for us. It is imperative to have people around us to cry with, listen too, vent too, and fellowship together.

But don't let it become your crutch in approaching God for your ultimate source of consistency.