Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Burden

As a missionary, its important to take an interest in the people you will be dealing with. To be honest, its has taken time for me,to really understand this concept.

Not that I don't see the importance of what I'm doing. But as I get ready for the big move, I have really developed a burden for the Japanese people. Like Americans, the Japanese struggle with materialism, vanity, and the busyness of life. However, Japan does differ, compared to most developed countries.

Japan has a high suicide rate, depression is common, and the Japanese culture allows no room for error. Over time, I began reading and studying the nuances of the Japanese culture. To understand the plight, that the Japanese culture has produced on its own, one must enter into the Japanese world. I will be doing that soon.

That's what makes missions tricky, once you begin to feel for the people. You develop a connection, a heart for the people. In time, the harsh realities of the culture will be evident daily. But half the battle is simply acknowledging, that its imperative to develop a heart for the people. Which helps the overall goal.

To glorify God.

I have grown a burden for the people of Japan. I want to help and tell them about Jesus. So, that they can see there is hope. Their sins have been forgiven, there is no shame.

In time, I will be unable to imagine my life without the Japanese people.

Its funny how that works......

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Counting The Cost

Its been, nearly a month since I left for training. In my time of training, I've had ample time to learn, reflect, and more importantly grow in my spiritual walk.

There's something refreshing about being surrounded by people who are like minded. I'm around people who are adventurous, who speak more than one language and are eager to learn more. They love Jesus... all in their own unique way. But the one similarity that has developed over time. Is the reality of counting the cost of missions.

The harsh reality is that some of us, may never come back. We may never see our families and friends ever again. The people that I have gotten to know will face certain danger. Danger is in abundance, from the vast lands of Asia to the instability of the Middle East and North Africa.

I'm humbled to see the amount of parents who are taking there kids to these places. Showing there faith in Christ, not knowing the future.

I feel very blessed to be surrounded by so many willing witnesses. I have broken bread with them, talked in depth about the Bible, and even played sports. However, our time together will end and we leave to spread God's Word.

We all know the cost each of us face. Some are more daunting then others, but the goal is still the same. I may be in the urban jungle of Tokyo, but I know there is a lot of Japanese people who need Jesus. I know my cost is low compared to others. To be frank, I struggle with that...but as one brother told me.

"God placed you where He needed you, I wouldn't be able to live in a urban setting."

I know my place and I have counted the cost.

For His Glory.