Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Does Christmas Change As You Get Older?

When I was little.... I remember how hard it was to go to sleep on Christmas Eve. I would roll around in bed, count the hours until it would seem like a reasonable time to wake up my parents. I would run to my parents room, jump on their bed and scream IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!

As I look back at it.... those days are long gone. Christmas is a dream for kids. But as you get older, the presents, the cultural norms of Christmas looses its intrigue.

The way I approach Christmas has been much different, as I got older. I rather sleep in, than wake up early for presents. But, the most telling sign is... I have become very reflective during Christmas. I much more concerned with spending time with friends and family. I even prefer the food over the presents. But more importantly, its about the birth of Christ.

I can't help, but reflect on the coming year. Christmas has turned to a day of rest and reflection, rather then the previous gift focused day.

I really cherish how I approach Christmas now, then before.

So, how has Christmas changed for you as you got older?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Importance Of Training

Now that I'm officially done with training. Its typical to automatically move into reflection mode. These past 8 weeks, have been completely humbling for me. I sat through many classes, studied the Bible like never before. I was stripped down to my core, ripped from everything and exposed in many ways. The reality was I need that, more than anything.

God has been ever so faithful.

Training usually is approached lightly, people feel they know all the required elements of most training. Yet, training still remains a pivotal point for any discipline. I would venture to guess, that most times we do have a good idea, of what the training will contain.

However, through any training there are "training nuggets" moments that make training worth it, enjoyable, it gets the blood going.

I would love to share 3 " training nuggets" that I have taken away from training.

1.Your walk with Christ keeps you on the field or takes you off. (Slap in the face "nugget" good stuff, so true)
2.Go to the field as a learner. (Humility " nugget" assume you know nothing)
3. Christ does the "changing" not the missionary. (The I'm not God "nugget" the most obvious of the 3, amazing how we forget)

I am grateful for the training I received.

The point of training is to find what you don't know already and to re- establish what you already know.

We all have a lot to learn.

In many ways, life is one big training. Through the different paths of life we take. We all find "training nuggets" that we learn from.

May we always be learners.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

As training comes to an end. I can't help, but reflect on what I have learned.

I've been able to met some really cool people. I've been able to really hone in on some personal
things, that I needed to work on. God has been ever so faithful, during this process. I'm excited to
see what God has for me. However, I'm also super scared and will be completely lost in a new culture
and language.

But the time is coming soon. It will become a reality....

There will be good times, bad times and ugly times. I know, there will be times when I will feel tired and hopeless.
I will be homesick, frustrated and missing my family and friends. But its the cost a missionary most take into account.

As anticipation becomes reality, no one is ever ready for that transition.

I do know this, I will have highs and lows. But God is bigger, smarter and wiser. His grace never runs out, He is our constant.

Through the good, the bad and the ugly. God will be there..... that much I know.