Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Breaking Down The Wall

Tuesday night, is when I get together and meet with guys, of the same age. But more importantly, guys that searching for more, yearning to draw closer to their Father. Engaging in authentic community, but as this new season approaches.

I know, walls most be broken and bridges most be built. It seems, pretty cliche, but its the heart of any bible study. Allowing ourselves, to be broken in front out our peers, who many times, become our brothers in Christ.

Tears will pour, exhaustion will set in, the race at times will seem pointless. But this, is why we meet. To push, ourselves to be better, to be about ways of our Father.

All this can happen, if walls are broken. It starts tonight.

Walls were meant to be broken. This season we will be wall breakers.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time Management

How many us, procrastinate?

A lot of us do, more than we realize.

This semester I am confronted with classes. That will require an expert time management. I will need to set aside time for all my school work. But not only school, but church, social outings and finding a happy medium for all of them.

But time management is something that takes a lot of work, it is a process. For too, long I have procrastinated on some many things. This semester is a great opportunity for me, to develop time management skills, ones that will last.

Many need to time management things in their lives. But its important not to let certain things to monopolize our time. A lot of times we allow things to monopolize our lives. In general, things that are not that important. At times, it can be good things that can turn into a detriment.

Overall, time management is important. We have one life and we have to maximize our time and not use it foolishly.

Time management, currently in session.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Consistency: Something We All Are Searching For

It was a Tuesday night. When I threw the word consistency out to a group of guys. Consistency is what we are going to aim for.

I look around the room and saw sigh of relief. In every aspect of our lives we have some inconsistencies and consistencies. But over time, we as humans lose focus of what we set out to do.

For example, school it takes consistency to move up in school. But if you lose that consistency, you lose that production, focus. Second, we look for consistency in people, things. We can't find it, in them, they will fail us. The trick is to know everything at one point and time will, become inconsistent.

But that doesn't mean, that we don't try to be consistent in our own lives. I think people get caught up, in other people's inconsistency. We lost sight of what we are lacking in that department.

The point is to try and be consistent as much as you can. God remains the same always, no matter what.

At the end of the day, that's enough.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Being Content

Contentment is what I'm seeking.

I was reminded yesterday, by Jeremiah 29:11 that God does have a plan to prosper you. He has a future for us, as well. Some may see it as a over used verse. I heard kids reciting the verse and it really humbled me, put me in my place. Even though I know all that, I still find room to complain. I find things "that could be better" but I have a lot to be thankful for ....

Not only that but, we always find time to tell God. That we rather be somewhere else, or being doing something else. Currently, I'm 23, graduating in the spring, have a lot going for me. Yet, at times I find myself unfilled, lack of something. Especially, at an age where friends move, get married you fill out of the loop. You feel you are behind everyone else.

But there is a rhyme and reason to being content. God has us, where he wants us. Being content with what he has given, goes along with trusting. Trust is really, what is lacking.

God never fails. Never!

Yet, we still flinch. Trust is the issue.

Once we can fully understand why...

We begin to trust and sometimes we may not know why

And that's ok.....

What do you need to trust God with?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Panama: On The Brink

Panama a country on the brink .....

On the brink of moving forward as a whole. As I spent a week in Panama. This past week was different, then all the other times I've been before. For the first time I saw Panama as a country on the move. Tourism is up, the economy is as good as it can get, especially with currently economic times. But like anything else, the people seem to be moving forwards and not backwards. Panama is starting to garner more international attention, building new, bigger and taller infrastructure. Panama is on the brink ...

However, there is still a lot to be done. There are many issues face the country that still need improvement. But I have never seen the people, so hopeful.

Which got me thinking... many of us are on the brink of something? Good or bad? Some of us, are all the brink of many exciting things. While others, may be on the brink of losing it all. We lean one way, or the other. Seeing the potential in everything, while others may see lost potential. But like anything else, we cannot do it alone. Panama recent success still hinges on the Panamanians as a whole.

Some of us, may be on the brink. I pray and hope you praise God for those who are the good side of things. For those on the bad side of things, sustain, keep the faith, allow God to take over. Move yourself from the cliff, to avoid free fall.

That's what I learned in my week in Panama. That many people are on the brink.