Sunday, August 22, 2010

Consistency: Something We All Are Searching For

It was a Tuesday night. When I threw the word consistency out to a group of guys. Consistency is what we are going to aim for.

I look around the room and saw sigh of relief. In every aspect of our lives we have some inconsistencies and consistencies. But over time, we as humans lose focus of what we set out to do.

For example, school it takes consistency to move up in school. But if you lose that consistency, you lose that production, focus. Second, we look for consistency in people, things. We can't find it, in them, they will fail us. The trick is to know everything at one point and time will, become inconsistent.

But that doesn't mean, that we don't try to be consistent in our own lives. I think people get caught up, in other people's inconsistency. We lost sight of what we are lacking in that department.

The point is to try and be consistent as much as you can. God remains the same always, no matter what.

At the end of the day, that's enough.

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