Friday, February 13, 2009

Bold As Love

A couple of summers ago I went on a mission trip to Tennessee. On the trip we had a diverse group of people. From youth to young married couples. We even had some elders. We all were assigned prayer partners. As I saw all my peers. Receiving cool things from their pray partner.

I thought I just got a letter with a reference to Jimi Hendrix and bunch of bible verses. My prayer partner was a college student. I only received two letters out of a span of a week. But I have kept those two letters. That hold so much truth within them. The letters have really been encouraging and impactful even to this day.

Since Valentines Day is tomorrow, I thought I share one of the two. It happens to be about love and its boldness. Enjoy!


Jimi Hendrix once sang, "we're all bold as love." Although he was wrong about all of us being bold, I think there is truth in his words. Love is bold. Love makes you do stupid things and not care about critics. Love makes you weak and strong at the same time. "Love keeps no record of wrongs."- this is boldness.

Read1 Corinthians 13, and while you read, remember the boldness involved in patience and long suffering and humility. I pray that you would be filled with the boldness of God's love.

God is love. If we desire love we must desire God. This also is bold. For to desire God is to desire the infinite, all surpassing Being who created you.

I encourage you to ask the Lord what it means to abide in His love(John 15:9). And then ask Him to help you do it(Hebrews 4:16). This is bold. Don't ask if you aren't willing to be consumed by His love.

Love is selfless. Be bold as Love, even as your High Priest is bold.

Happy Valentines to all!


Anonymous said...

a dozen roses or a box of chocolates? which do you think God would prefer?

-Jeff Reininger

Taylor said...

Such a good song......

Anonymous said...

That's great the way you share love under the bridge. Love is all about action. Love is not about the feeling. Love is about the doing. Great post!