Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Becoming Patiently Dependent

The past couple of months I've been trying to improve in the patience department. I have never been a patient person (especially with my family). Not only have I lacked patience with my family. But with everything else finishing school, finding a swell girl, and feeling accomplished to name a few. I've read a plethora of poems, quotes, and stories of how patience is worth it in the end. As Christians we are no longer on our own time, but God's. If we are on our own time we seem to eventually fall apart. As christian it's no longer about us it's about God. (Galatians 5:24-26) As for patience it builds, perseverance and, prosperity. But, most importantly you learn that God's timing is best. I know God knows the desires of my heart. He will provide for me like he always has. (Jeremiah 29:11) But, what I've started to realize is that. Patience test your obedience to wait on God's perfect watch. Every stroke has a purpose and every wake up call has a message. Patience also test your faith in God. Imagine Joseph and how long it took to get all that he got Egypt(Gensis 41:1-43 alot of patience!) I guess what I'm trying to say is that our patience will be tested by God. The reason being it makes us realize that our own watches are broken and that they will always mislead us. But, ultimaltely we learn to be totally dependent on God.

Jose Serving the Perfect One

1 comment:

Jeff Reininger said...

i'm confused...are you struggling with patience, or do you have it all figured out? i'm guessing you're aware of it, it's just the struggle of putting that knowledge into practice, right?! remember, humility will get you far. you aren't suppose to know all the answers... you're just suppose to seek Him on all questions. be humble, my friend!