Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jesus Freaks

There are thousands of missionaries all over the world. Spreading the Good News of Jesus. Reaching those in the poorest, most corrupt places in the world. Danger is certain, yet their love for God, keeps them going.

They all leave behind the luxuries of home, loves one and money. They have been called to be a tool, disciple, and messenger for the Lord. In efforts, to extend His Kingdom and to glorify him.

I have been reading Jesus Freaks once again (5th time). Jesus Freaks is about martyrs who have lost their lives for Christ. The stories are amazing, humbling, and ultimately bring tears to your eyes. The book has countless stories of brave men, women, and even children. Those brave souls standed for God, even in the midst of death.

I urge and challenge everyone to pray for all the missionaries out there. Serving our Lord all over the world. Find a way to be part of this amazing process. Pray or support them, whatever you can do, will help. Pray that we all stay committed to our Lord. No matter the cost.

" You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you." - C.S. Lewis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Federico loaned Jesus Freaks to me a few weeks, ago. I read it and was amazed at the strength of regular people in love with God.