Friday, October 23, 2009

Good Enough Or Wanting It

Over the past couple of weeks. I have found myself, just doing enough. In other words, not going the extra mile. Not taking pride in what I'm doing. Not with everything, but the one constant thing, I always seem to half ass .... school.

I allow it, to become a drag for me. I sleep in class, or don't even show up. I do enough to get by. Some days I just want to drop out and move to a foreign country. But for everything that is hard there's a reason behind it.

I've been content with just being average. Fulfilling what is required, and just do good enough to be accepted as ok. I have not been motivated to go beyond my own expectations that I have for my academic career. Stagnant is the word that comes to mind. Now to use a sports metaphor. A bad student of the game. I either don't show up, or rarely compete in practice. I use every excuse to tell myself that I need a day off. Do not stay after practice and work on my game. Worst of all, my laziness has become an habitual action. Some athletes have the talent, but never work on being a better player. They are content with just being good enough.

The Michael Jordan's, Muhammad Ali's of the world never settled for good enough. They strive for greatness in the realm of sports, they achieved it. To use a another metaphor again. Those individuals who work hard, are willing to sacrifice to get better, and put in the time when its not needed. Those individuals go beyond being good enough. They wanted it, they knew it be hard. But they knew what they wanted and went after it. Sure failure will find a place in this journey. But that should not be the reason to stop.

So as, I reflect on my good enough attitude, mentality towards school. I know I must change that outlook. Work harder than before, put in the time. Show my coaches I care. That I want to be better. That I'm not afraid to fail. That I welcome the challenge ahead.

If I do all that.
I like my chances.

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