Monday, November 23, 2009

Why I Blog

Since I've started blogging. I have had several unique experiences to share in the blog sphere. Friday was one of those days. I was typing out a blog. Then.

A older woman from one my classes. Came to say hi and see how life was going? She saw what I was doing and asked, if she could read the blog. I said sure, gave her the link, she got right on in the computer lab. She began to navigate through all my entries. She came across one and started to cry.

She looked at me and asked " What if someone you love, asked why you love them?" I was little surprised by the question. Has I attempted to answer the question. She started to cry even more, I realized God was behind this situation. I barley knew her, but it didn't stop her from venting her frustrations, anger, and fear. She was juggling her job, being a mother, and feeling alone in this dark world.

Long story, short I got to pray with her and gave her encouragement. As I was trying to digest the whole deal. I realized, it was my words, that I typed that sparked the breakdown. That my blogging, indeed made a difference, it reminder her of the promises of God.

I don't need a comment to feel good about what I posted. That there may be several others who have read, that have been impacted. That Friday, I finally realize why I blog.

Words are powerful, especially if they are for someone else.
Blogging for HIS glory!

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