Friday, February 26, 2010

Squatter Camp Reality

The reality is that 1 billion people live in, on, near garbage, rusty tin mental, or have no home at all. The reality is that, not only do 1 billion people not have formal housing. But they don't have food, clean water, and group of people who love them.

For one night. I will be homeless. I will be sleeping underneath cardboard. I will purposely, not bring a sufficient amount of clothing or blankets to cover me up. I want to get only a mere glimpse of what it feels like. Billions live this way. Sure there are different levels, but the need is still out there. Regardless, whether its in a South Africa squatter camp, or in the slums of Brazil, to the hundreds of homeless people who sleep underneath a bridge all around the U.S.

That's reality, it is our job to step up, and try our darnest to change that. Every person, regardless of background,or belief has the right to basic human resources like water, housing, and food.

There are plenty without .....

What will you do about it?
Will we let reality stay the same?
Or will we step up and make a change?

Just look around you. There are plenty of places of need. But it all starts with the heart.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Heat Of The Moment

A teenage girl catch up in her vanity and pressured to not eat. She wants to be thin, not fat. Overwhelmed by her own world inspired ambitions. She is unhappy, she will never be pretty. She thinks life is no longer worth living .... heat of the moment. Her parents find her all bloodied up, with a knife in her hand.

Teenage boy wants to fit in, to be accepted. Grabs the joint and smokes, coughs and hates the taste, smell. But continues on .... heat of the moment. That one puff and the peer pressure leads to an addiction of substances and acceptance of his peers.

Married man, loving husband and father. Has a ruff day at work. Decides to get a drink, to get away from it all. One drink leads to another and another. He's unable to walk straight, talks with a slur and has a heavy aroma of alcohol all around him. Gets in the car and loses control. He crashes right into a car ..... heat of the moment. The final verdict is manslaughter he's responsible for ending some one's life. Jail time and a lifetime away from his family.

Newlywed woman, married a good man. But he works all the time. He's never home to eat dinner with her. She meets a guy. She starts to flirt with him. One thing leads to another, she doesn't want to feel lonely anymore. She's enticed by the thrill. She succumbs to her carnal desires. She invites him, over one time ..... heat of the moment. Thinking her husband is working late. But he's coming home to surprise her. Resulting in, him catching her in the act. The marriage ends in divorce. Depression is lurking.

Those are many scenarios that happen on a daily basis. We all get caught up in the heat of the moment. We get excited, afraid, we begin to act out rashly. Not thinking of the consequences for our actions. Satan uses everything he can, to derail us. To give us, a sense of hopelessness, anger, pride. The list goes on, and so do the moments.

In which, we can take command and not act out rashly. To rely on God, and not our own understanding. So next time, your in the heat of the moment. Think.

Pause, pray, and seek Him.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Waiting Game And The Love, We Already Have

All you need is love, right?

For those who will feel lonely,sad,depressed and many more emotions. Your time will come. Your time has come. Jimi Hendrix said it best " Bold as love" Love is bold.

Though I'm single and have been my whole life. I use to feel alone come February 14 but I started to realize all the love around me. The love from my friends, family, and most importantly, my Savior Jesus.

He died on the cross for me, for us, that's love, that's bold! Valentine's day is a celebration of two individuals who are committed to each other. Who are madly, truly, and deeply in love. That's definitely, something to celebrate.

But for those who are single, struggling to find that love. You have it, its been given to you, its free. I know how special a relationship can be with that girl or boy. But look beyond what you don't have. Look and cherish what you do have.

Our time will come. When we meet that special someone. But until then, be patience, be thankful. We have a lot of love around us. Its matter of sitting down and realizing it.

When your time comes and you meet that person. The wait will stop. But remember His love.

Until then, cherish His love and the waiting game.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Struggle

The struggle .....

What are you struggle with?

How long has the struggle been?

What changes must be made?

Whatever the struggle He is always there. No matter how bad you think it is. He still loves you. He's stretching his hand out. All you have to do, is extend yours.

Lord help me in my struggles. For I am weak and insufficient to help myself.

He knows .... He just wants to help

But will you let Him?

The struggle .....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Victims Of Go

Go! A word that has taken on new meaning to me. In the last couple of days. The word Go has been floating around in my brain. What do I mean by Go. I mean going out of your comfort zone. Going out and helping someone in need (rich or poor). Going out of your way to sacrifice your time, money, your heart. Go can be described as going. Going to another part of the world, going to the feed the homeless.

Going so that God may be glorified through your going. But have you ever thought that we are victims of Go (going) people who have gone out of their way to love us. People who just walked a few steps to shake our hand.

Going is much more than just going thousands of miles away. The most difficult part of going, may be just taking a few steps.

I remmber, when I was 15. I had no self confidence in myself. I felt unloved, that no one cared about me. I was going through the motions. I was so confused about what, who I was.

Then my youth pastor took a few steps. She knew I was sitting over in the corner of the room all alone, depressed. She came by and said hi. I knew her name, but never had engaged in conversation with her. I knew her son was the same age as me. Then she asked me, how I was? That one question led to a many things. From being more involved in church, to realizing my potential. She poured into me, she showed me, what God was all about.

The underline point is ..... had she never had taken a few steps to say hi and ask how I was. Well, my story would be a lot different. She knew I was hurting, that I needed help, encouragement. We became good friends. In many ways, she got me back to church. She had a gift of getting many youth back to church. In such a pivotal point in my life. She went out.

You see we are all victims of go. Jesus took those faithful steps to the cross for us. To give us, a chance at life. On earth, we have people who go out of the their way for us. To insure, that we become of victims of go.