Monday, February 8, 2010

Victims Of Go

Go! A word that has taken on new meaning to me. In the last couple of days. The word Go has been floating around in my brain. What do I mean by Go. I mean going out of your comfort zone. Going out and helping someone in need (rich or poor). Going out of your way to sacrifice your time, money, your heart. Go can be described as going. Going to another part of the world, going to the feed the homeless.

Going so that God may be glorified through your going. But have you ever thought that we are victims of Go (going) people who have gone out of their way to love us. People who just walked a few steps to shake our hand.

Going is much more than just going thousands of miles away. The most difficult part of going, may be just taking a few steps.

I remmber, when I was 15. I had no self confidence in myself. I felt unloved, that no one cared about me. I was going through the motions. I was so confused about what, who I was.

Then my youth pastor took a few steps. She knew I was sitting over in the corner of the room all alone, depressed. She came by and said hi. I knew her name, but never had engaged in conversation with her. I knew her son was the same age as me. Then she asked me, how I was? That one question led to a many things. From being more involved in church, to realizing my potential. She poured into me, she showed me, what God was all about.

The underline point is ..... had she never had taken a few steps to say hi and ask how I was. Well, my story would be a lot different. She knew I was hurting, that I needed help, encouragement. We became good friends. In many ways, she got me back to church. She had a gift of getting many youth back to church. In such a pivotal point in my life. She went out.

You see we are all victims of go. Jesus took those faithful steps to the cross for us. To give us, a chance at life. On earth, we have people who go out of the their way for us. To insure, that we become of victims of go.

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