Monday, March 29, 2010

The Simplicity Project

Simplicity is a word that has been running through my head lately. I have really been convicted by the luxuries I'm able to experience. But simplicity, still comes to mind.

I'm beginning to realize that, simplicity lies in the the intent. Simplicity can easily become a fad, flavor of the week thing. Simplicity runs deeper then some fad, its about look within yourself to the very depths. Asking do I really need this? Have I become, what I buy? Sure people ask those questions, but why do they ask those questions?

What is the reason?

I see myself as a project of simplicity, as I grow more mature in walk with Christ. I start to let go of things like video games, eating out every day, going on a shoe shopping spree. Sure, those are materialistic things, but can't we even get more simplistic? Think about it, if your neighbor has a lawn mower use his, instead of buying one for yourself. Better yet, have two lawn mowers for the whole street. People sharing, and coming together as a community. In a perfect world, I know. But simplicity is very attainable.

Buy why is it, so hard?

Think about it, do we really need that coffee every day? Or indulging our taste buds with expensive food, when we have food at home. How much clothes is hanging in your closet that you don't use, or even know you have?

Simplicity is hard and takes time, growth.I'm not saying to rid yourself, of everything, but they are things we have, consume, that we don't need. Its about finding that healthy medium in the craziness of life. But above all its about the life Jesus led. Jesus was a man of simple taste. Emulating that simple taste is the tricky and finding time to indulge ourselves in a good way is even harder. What Christ stood for was not complex, but in the very essence simple, he has simplicity written all over him. Love your neighbor, don't lean on your own understanding, cloth the poor, feed the hungry, pick your brother up when he is down.The world makes the ways of Jesus seem complex.

We all are projects of simplicity. How far along are you?

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Mathematical Equation

I have expressed this many times in my blog, that I really suck at math. That might be an understatement to my suckness in math. Math has been a demon in my life. Sure, math sounds so harmless to most. But it really has been my demon, but as I got older. I have allowed it to become a stronghold of negativity in my life.

When math is involved all my insecurities come out, my fear of failure and that I will not amount to anything. I have had this mathematical equation in my life for far too long. I've allowed it to feed off my failures, laziness, and lack of focus.

I have a learning disability in math. I learn differently than others. I don't grasp the information as fast. But I've allowed my learning disability become an excuse to not put my full effort forward. All these years, I have approach math with a horrible attitude. I may not like math, but I got to pass to move on.

Move on with my academic career, spiritual journey, and just life in general. I've allowed my fear of math to hit critical mass. I now must do something about it. There is no tomorrow, there is no next time. I need to figure out this mathematical equation, over the last few months I finally let God take over. God is the king of math, he knows any equation life throws at us, no matter how complex, or daunting.

My problem with math lies not in my learning disability, but my unwillingness to take the necessary steps to pass math. I've always tried to find the easy way out. But thanks to, friends who won't let fail and God who loves me regardless. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even if I don't succeed in math this semester. I now know what is required to pass. This life long battle of math, is slowly, but surely coming to an end.

It took me 22 years to realize all this.
I'm a slow learner.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hindsight: Don't Look Back

Imagine, for every time we dwell in the past, we would turn to salt. I imagine, that there would be a lot of salt everywhere. Our past are full of great moments and bad moments. But it seems, that the bad moments seem to have a hold on our lives. Why is it, so hard to shake off the past?

Don't shake off the good memories. But at times, is seems we do. The bad memories are a common occurrence in the mind. We allow them to occupy our thought process. The word hindsight, comes to mind. Hindsight is always 20/20 we always understand after the fact. However, its out choice to learn and move on. If we still dwell, it doesn't give us a sense of closure or peace.

Think of it, like a paper. Every paper has a conclusion, a retrospect section, which is usually at the end. In the conclusion, the writer is allowed to give his/her opinion on the what they are writing about. After the conclusion is written, nothing more is said on the paper. In many ways, bad memories should be treated this way. There's a conclusion, and reflective part and then nothing is said. I'm not saying, to not reflect on the past in a good way to learn. But don't reflect in a negative way a way, in which damage is done.

The past is a tricky thing, there's nothing we can do, to undo the past. We can learn, realize the lesson and move on. We could be living in the past our whole lives, by dwelling of all the bad that had transpired in out past.

Hindsight is 20/20 always will be.
Don't let the past dictate your life.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Simplicity And Power Of Soccer

Its amazing how we, get caught up with the loud, elaborate things of life. I've come to find out that the simpler things of life are really more effective, then the loud things of life.

Soccer, for instance is simple. No matter the continent soccer is huge. All you need is a ball and yourself. Kicking is also required to make soccer happen. To some, soccer may seem stupid. But to nations its the sole reason,of bringing a nation to peace, reconciliation. Regardless, of the state of the country. People still play soccer, nations hopes and dreams lie in soccer. How can a ball have some much effect?

Soccer is the world's most popular sport. I've been to several countries and have seen, soccer bring a smile to people of poverty, war torn nations. They play with passion and get lost in the moment of soccer. As the World Cup approaches closer, it will be interesting to see how the 32 countries fans will respond. The whole world will be watching.

South Africa the host country will be on the world stage,for something positive. Soccer is a sport that does not hate, care about creed, or color. Soccer is for all, for those who are poor and have nothing, to those who have it all. Soccer is something that the world has in common. The passion the drive, to see a goal, to see that slide tackle, don't forget the OLE! OLE! OLE! chants.

Soccer is simple, yet very powerful. It gets kids off the streets, it brings people of different races to enjoy a common pastime. That's powerful! Soccer is simple. Soccer is a resource we can use for the betterment of the world. Soccer is an outlet for good.

I look forward to the World Cup as a fan and as a inhabitant of the world. That for a couple of weeks the world will be sharing something in common, something simple.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Not Enough

Often times, I found myself doing too much, trying to do it all on my own. As a Christian we are wired,to only know and do so much. At times, this can be very frustrating, it can put, us on the edge. As humans, we want control of everything, we yearn to control everything. Yet, when we feel we have control. It really means, we have lost our way. We really have no sense of direction.

But when we hit the bottom. When are most weak and vulnerable. It is, only a reminder of why we are who we are, and why God is God. God is enough and we are not. Yet, regardless of belief we all are limited. We can't lift, mountains, feed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread, we surely can't walk on water. But He did.

When I'm at my weakest means. I'm at my strongest, for He is enough. Once, we really begin to see and believe that whole- heatedly that He is enough. We will begin to realize, our full potential in Him.