Friday, September 19, 2008

Parking Lot Attention

Monday - Friday I get the rarity of having no trouble. Finding a parking spot at UTSA. I have class at 8 so I get there around 7:20-7:30. But pass 8 o'clock forget it's almost impossible to find a spot. It's like me trying to box out Shaq, almost impossible! I get out of class by 12:50 so I walk to the lovely parking out. I get hunted down by a vechile , they follow me, or roll their windows, and ask if I want a ride to my car. It's like this everyday, you become the focus of that person for a few minutes.

So it got me thinking .I was amazed by what people will do for a parking spot. You become if you will, that individual focus, center of the world at that moment. So I thought why are we not like that for people in true need? Like starving kids in Africa, or the guy who sits by himself at school, church, lunch, where ever. Or even a family member, or person struggling in your class or at work.

Why don't we have the yearning at times to "walk across the room?" Why don't we take the initiative to say hi, extend a helping hand? To have the same audacity as the individuals seeking the parking spot. It seems there's no limit to what they, won't do for a spot. Why can't we have that for God's children who are hurting, seeking, or lost(which encompass all of us). As I parked my car this morning in the UTSA parking lot.

God really convicted me of this. So I sat there, teared a little and realized. I was once that hurt, lonely soul.

I pray that we can emulate the same tenacity as the parking lot seekers and (10 times that).
God loves all.

So let's rev those engines!!!!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Awesome Jose. What a great illustration of how we should be to those around us. I love it when God reveals things to us in the most mundane situations.