Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Finding The Good

Whether your stuck in traffic, or you got bird poop on your shirt, and finally if nothing is going your way. Try to find the good among all that suckness. It may not even be the day. It may be a person, place, or thing(basically a noun). Regardless of you current situation or position. Rejoice in the Lord and be glad.

To be honest, I've been having a couple of crappy days. I wanted the spotlight on me and my sucky life(I don't have anything to complain about). To have all my injustices exposed. I recently realized I need to just sit back and see all God has done. Regardless of my current state of mind. So,I started to see the little things that make life worth wild! Like seeing a squirrel jump tree to tree, or watching kids play on a playground. The little things sometimes are the most profound, and calming forces we experience.

No matter how bad life is, I can still find some good. So as I enter another crappy day. I will no longer pout, and linger in sorrow for myself. I will simply find the nearest, simplest thing in the world to make me realize. It is good.

Remember God felt the same way about us. He saw the good in us.

Genesis 1:31
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

1 comment:

Jeff Reininger said...

the day is not crappy...God created it, so it is can either choose to see crap (perhaps even in the physical form: bird crap on your shirt), or you can choose to see the good. focus more in the out than the in, and in turn, the in will heal. studies have shown that even by people faking a smile, it sends synapses to the brain that actually tricks you into thinking you're happy...thus, actually putting you in a good mood...that's right, fake smiles and synapes...guess what, God created those too!!!!