Friday, October 17, 2008

Think Different

No need to worry I will have my postings. Over the Western Conference by next week. But, in the mean time. I will be blogging about something outside the realm of sports.

My brother came into town the on Wednesday. As he got home he came in to show me a video. He saw in one of his classes. That he thought I would like. The title of the video was Think Different it was a apple commercial. It was actually pretty good, it had people. Who "thought different" which included Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King Jr, and Amelia Earhart to name a few. Here's the link.

As I watched again that night .I thought to myself Christians "think different" we try to be of God and not of the world. Thanks captain obvious, but I mean we really do. Jesus was always the black eye- pea of the bunch. Jesus never settled for the standards of the world. Jesus loved those who were casted out as useless, stupid and so on. Jesus conquer sin no matter the obstacle. Jesus remained focused on his Father's work on earth.

I sat there absorbing all this information. On how I strive to be different for myself. Imagine if we all strive to "think different" in terms of God's standards. For the standards of God are completely different then of the worlds.

So Let's Think Different!
Let's Be Guided By The Light!
In This Dark World

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