Friday, October 31, 2008

God Is Bigger

On the trip to Beaumont (actually a little town called Fanetta 15 minutes south of Beaumont). We got to help a family who had just bought a house 4 months ago. The house was just about destroyed all around. FEMA told them they had too much debris to pick up. So they dug out a Olympic size pool of a hole. They threw all their trash, debris in there. Before it fills, burn it and then cover it. I lead a team of 9 including myself. Sunday afternoon as we got done helping this family. We saw something that really rocked out world. Once again, I personally was humbled and reminded of a awesome God we serve. The picture is simple, two verses that the family wrote on the remains of their house. But it spoke volumes to our group. That God is faithful and now matter how bad it gets. He is bigger than any storm that comes our way.

in times of chaos.

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