Friday, April 10, 2009

The Great Weekend

Today is Good Friday and Sunday is Easter. So what is Saturday? What is significant about Saturday, if anything? Is it simply the day between two important days? Or is Saturday just as important? We just haven't founded a catchy name yet.

Sorry about the rant, thought it was intersting.

Regardless this weekend is monumental. Not for all, but for a good amount of people. No matter where you are for Easter. I encourage, urge you, to take time once again. To reflect on what it means. What was given up, for us.

Take time for this Great Weekend, I like to call it. It combines all the days. All the days play a role and all are important. Take time to be thankful and to realize. We have been given a gift. A gift that cost a lot. A gift out of love.

So enjoy your Easter!
Praise God for it all!

Oh yeah, got any catchy names for Saturday?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jose, just came across your blog and am enjoying what I'm reading. Don't have any clever names for Saturday. I'd have to think a while for that one. Anyway, keep up the good work. God bless and happy blogging!