Monday, June 21, 2010

Wrong Turns

Why is it, so hard to admit when we are wrong?

This morning I was driving, with a bad cough,4 hours of sleep. I entered the parking lot. I was in a rush to class, so I started to cut through the parking lot, to get better parking. As I started toward, my preferred parking. I hear this long and loud honk. I almost hit this girl in her car. I parked, she parked next to me, she got out of the car. Without me knowing she was waiting on me, staring me down. As if I was, her boyfriend and got caught cheating on her.

I rolled my window down, and she had a couple of choice words for me. I apologized. But as I was walking to my class. I started to think, why is it hard to accept when we are wrong? Is it pride? Do we hate being wrong?

I started to look back on all my wrong doings. Imagining if, I had admitted how wrong I was, or the situation, whatever. How much heart ache, it would have saved me, all the pain, tears and frustrations.

Is it just me, or doesn't life become a little easier when we admit our wrongs? Wouldn't we be able to avoid so many, unnecessary painful stuff?

My almost car wreck got me, think about this. I may not be able to re- write the past. But I can control my response to when I know I'm wrong and just fess up. Be completely honest about it, move on and learn from it.

And, oh yeah, be a more alert driver...

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