Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thank God For The Beatles

I'm a huge fan of the Beatles, easily my favorite band of all time. Bob Dylan in a very close second. I was introduced to the Beatles when I was 13. I remember it, so well, I was in Monterrey, Mexico. My mom bought my Dad the 1 CD for his birthday. He was listening to it, in the car. From that point on, I was hooked.

I started to research the Beatles. I listened to all their music that I could find. I became a huge fan, admirer, of their work. As I continued my quest of knowledge of the Beatles. I saw a trend in their work. The Beatles started out, as the "mop tops" that girls would faint over. But as they got more popular and older they gradually moved from entertainers to artist. They started to smoke, got involved in the politics of the time.

The latter is what I was attracted too. I was curious about the "hippiness" of the Beatles. I want to know, why, when, and where. I started to question, just like the Beatles. I thought more, I sought after literature of all sorts. It led me, in a path, that would ultimately lead me to confusion.

However, after that phase. I realized, how grateful I was for the confusion. It led me, to a life that I live now. Its not the main cog, behind the turn around. But through, that phase. I questioned things, I went through many valleys.

This point in my life shaped me, for the future. I had to hit rock bottom. I was floating around and taking what I got. I was just there, stagnant. I didn't think for myself. I wanted to emulate the thinking patterns of the Beatles. I tried and failed miserably, but it led me to a greater purpose. I embarked on, a journey that, I thought I had taken. But I took the scenic route for a time. The questioning, is what got the wheels spinning. I challenged many things, thought for myself, sought after advice.

With love from many amazing Godly people. I knew God had a plan for me. But I really, believe without the questioning. I would have never, been able to be so broken, to realize my inadequacies in my life.

The Beatles were not the catalyst that brought me, back to Christ. But it got me, looking for answers. I know, I'm loved and my duty on earth. But in many ways, I'm stilling looking like the Beatles did... except I go to a different source.


Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the impact on the world, if one day they had woke up and realized that Jesus lives!

jose said...

Yeah, it would be something else. Wouldn't it?