Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Impact Is A Two Way Street

A couple of weeks I was given an opportunity to speak in front of a group of college/ career age students. I spoke on planting seeds. I challenged the group to take time, to contact the people who had a major impact in their lives.

I followed through with the challenge I had given. I emailed the three individuals who had a major impacted my life. As I received the emails back from them. They expressed the impact I had on them and still do. It was really humbling to read that. It never occurred to me, that I made an impact in their lives.

Frankly, they poured into me, all the time. I never did anything, or so I thought. Both parties were impacted by each other. The giver and the receiver, both learn from each other. As I reread the emails, I couldn't help, but smile.

Now that I have been in position of the giver. I have been impacted by the receiver, on many occasions.

So thankful, for the blessings of impact.

I now see that, impact is a two way street.

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