Thursday, July 15, 2010

At A Loss For Words

As I stare at the skyline of Tokyo, Japan. I'm at a loss of words. Its overwhelming. Words are used to communicate, to express many emotions, desires. But how do we, respond when your at a loss for words?

Back to the skyline, I see all the lights of all the buildings. The night allows the skyline to be even more jaw dropping. In life we have moments, events that leave us, at a loss for words. I'll be the first to tell you, it's ok. That it is good, often times we don't have a lot of loss for words moments.

As I stare and marvel at the skyline of Tokyo. I could try to use words and explain what I'm seeing. But having no words does more justice to the skyline then, what words would do.

The skyline reminds me of the loss of words I have for the love Jesus gives. All that he is, it baffles the mind. I'm reminded of how blessed I am. Humbled, once again.

At a loss for words ....

And the funny thing is, it's ok ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great observation. Jesus...