Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Finer Details

Details .... Details ....

Just got back from Japan. Where details are important a way of life. Japanese pay attention to every little detail. They do everything with precision, so fast, so efficient.

It got me, thinking about details. We need details to accomplish many things. We need to gather information, or experiences from the details. So that we can have a better understanding. We have shortcomings in our lives, certain strongholds that we allow to build.

For instance, what in your life is something you struggle with? Most times, we pay less attention to details with the things, we struggle with. If we, were willing to search those details. Take it by the horn. We would be much better off.

Everyone has need for finer details to something, it can be small or big. But details are needed to learn more, release us, from bad habits. Details, are always needed for many things.

Like the Japanese lets focus on the details, in our lives. So they we, too can learn and move on.

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