Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Incremental Progress

I was 18 years old .... I was in many ways at a crossroad in my life. At 18 is when I started to see things, in a different light. I was becoming more mature, took people's emotions into account.

Five years later... I can safely say, I have grown. However, there is still a lot to learn. Yet, the progress was incremental.

Many of us need to change want to change. Yet, we allow fear and laziness to lurk. We see progress when we put work into it.

A lot of times, it maybe incremental and that is okay! Usually, progress is not meant to be conquered in one day. For example, a basketball players... they practice multiple hours, days, and even years. The progress is incremental, but it comes full circle its quite the sight.

Keep going....

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