Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So, How Are You?

Often times, I think we claim to be a lot busier then we really are. God forbid we exert more effort during our daily grind of life. We get so consumed with what we are doing that, we forget about the simple things of life. For example, conversations, asking how some is doing, helping someone out.

Yesterday, I was reading for a class. I was trying to catch up on some reading. For the last couple of days I have been getting no sleep. So, I figure I read at school so I could go to sleep when I got home. However, while I was reading I was interrupted by a former classmate from South Korea. He sat down and proceed to talk in his broken english. He said hi.... he paused waiting for me to reply. In my mind I rolled my eyes and asked ... So,how are you?

He then basically talked to me for about a hour. I had lost my place in the book. I did not remember what I read,or what notes I jotted down. But Sung Sue was happy I listen to him, even though he had no idea I was sleepy and grumpy.

But the reality is I had time. I could have easily said " Hey man, I'm reading nice seeing you." Sure, there are times for that, those times are appropriate. But I was just reading, I was in no rush. The truth I just did not want to be bothered.

Sung Sue, left. I started my reading all over. But it hit me, I would want someone in my position to do the same thing. I thought of all the times people asked how my day was... or listen to me.

The principle is simple ask someone how they are doing. And you have made more of an impact then you can imagine. In many ways, its a lost art, it shows you care. That you are willing to take up some of your time. Let's face, we have down time. We are not that busy, we just claim to be.

So, how are you?

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