Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Human Effect

One thing I love about mission trips. Is you get to see your fellow church buddies. In a different light.

As I was dancing like a idiot an idiot talking in Spanish. Andy ran up the stairs of the kid's area of the church. He asked that we all come down. The whole church wanted to pray for us before we left. As the prayer wrapped up, and the church members filed in to bid their farewells.

I was the last one in line so I saw every one's reaction to everyone else. Everyone was crying, smiling, or exchanging contact information. The pastor's wife came to me in a pool of tears. I embraced her gave her my sentiments. As the this cycle of farewells continued. I saw the reaction people had with each other. We just spent 4 in half days with this church and people who embody it. I saw the "human effect" the effect we have on each other. One that is powerful and is shared with whom is willing to feel it's effects. The effects of love, passion, trust, friendship.

It was cool to see everyone crying, and letting their emotions get the best of them. That we had developed a bond with this church and the congregation. A bond that was formed in 4 in half days. A bond that is now cherished, and bound to be remembered.

The Human Effect is shows that at the end of the day. All humans are the same in some many ways. But it also shows us that. When you knock down walls and build bridges and allow people to enter in. Crying, producing relationship's, and adding to your already big family. Is only hard cold evidence of the effect it has on all of us.

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