Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thanks Mr. Phelps

I get inspired so easily, and Michael Phelps made that true. I have been watching his journey for 8 gold medals all week. He has won in every fashion. Whether in a blowout, by a tenth of a second. He's come up on top in world record fashion.

As I sat there and, saw his historic 8th gold medal. I realized all the hours of swimming, diets, workouts he went through for 4 years. It shows me, that patience perseverance, and dedication do pay off. That if I focus on the goal which is serving God. That I spend countless hours, studying, witnessing, etc. That I will to have a medals my way. But not for me, but for the kingdom of God. If we all stay humble, honest, and our fulfillment is Christ. I'm sure our end result will be far beyond 8 gold medals. But Phelps made me, once again realize, my goal will take time. When I finish I will look even better than he does in a speedo. I promise God's got my back Lol.

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