Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Glory In Your Weakness

We all have some sort of weakness. Last night as I watched a man, a dear friend of mine. Take his weakness head on. My mind started to process things. You see I know I have weaknesses and that God made me that way. But as I was reminded last night. I need to pull Jesus in.

My weaknesses vary, but one that has be hoovering like no other, is school. I like to learn, I like to read, but school does not come easy to me. I have to work really hard to get above average grades. To be honest, I've got a lot of ground to make up when it comes to school. I know having a degree is very important.

When I graduated from high school, I felt that God was calling me to Colombia. So my plan was to live and minister in Colombia. I wanted to leave in August when school started. But God had a different plan. I thought I would be blessed by going to Colombia and serving others. Once again God pulled a 180 on me. As August slowly crept up, I started to feel no peace about the whole thing. So I prayed, sought after Godly counsel, and prayed some more.

God made it very clear, JOSE YOUR GOING TO SCHOOL. I was thinking, but God I suck at school. I hate school with a burning passion. So August came and I was enrolled, I'm still in school and I struggle time to time. Last semester was tough and methodical for me. But I know God has me in school for a reason. That I am facing one of my greatest weakness on a daily basis. It even comes at me, on the weekends in a form of, books, papers,etc.

I roughly have 2 years left of school. So this journey will continue and I will fight the good fight. Do my best ,and honor God in my school work, my studying. I will pull Jesus in with me.

I will glorify Him in my weakness. It will be hard, painful, and at times unbearable for me.
But Jesus never throws anything we can't handle.

Which means I will walk out of school with a degree.

Glory To GOD

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