Monday, January 19, 2009

Yes, We Can

"Jose! You voted for that stupid terrorist Muslim" I smirk and say yes I did. The 13 year old teenager then replies, " I thought you were a christian" I smirk again and say, I'm a christian.

The past 2 months in a half. I have been scoffed at, been the target of criticize, my faith has been questioned by others. I've been looked at as a heathen, by some. Many have shook their heads in disgust. In my decision to vote for Barack Hussein Obama. But this blog is not, an attempt to justify my reasoning behind voting for Obama.

It's about this.......................

It's disheartening to think that fellow Christians, question my faith base off a vote. I've had people look at me, in shock and say "Why did you do that" "Your a fool!" All the judgments, second guessing, and disagreements have piled up. I've grown tired of being judged in my decision.

So I've learned over the past couple of weeks, to keep my mouth shut. Especially, since I live in Texas. It's not like I bring the conversations up on purpose to get people fuming. I don't even own a Obama shirt. I don't go running around yelling "Obama is the Saviour of the world"

I tell people just, because I voted for Obama. Does not mean, I will agree with everything he does, or says. The last few days, I've been encouraging people to pray for the 44th president of the United States. Regardless, of who you voted for, or didn't vote.

Obama has a lot on his hands in the next fours years. This is not my rally cry for Obama. If McCain had be elected I still be writing this blog. Encouraging people to pray for him. Heck! if your next door neighborhood was elected I would do the same.

The point is this, whether you like it, or not. Obama is our President for the next four years. So let loose the political party stuff and embrace the challenges ahead. Be supportive of your President, pray for him on a daily basis. Don't pray to just pray. Pray, because you want to pray for Obama. Not only pray for Obama, pray for his cabinet and officials. Pray for the Senate, the House of Representatives, all of Washington.

We are in this together. God didn't punish the United States with the election of Obama. Remember God works all things to good. Sure their will be hard times. Obama may only last four years in office. But instead of being discontent with the results. Pray and have faith.

Remember that has Christians we are not defined by our political affiliations. We are defined by our Lord and Saviour. I casted my vote, already. My vote goes to Jesus the only vote that matters in the end. Politics won't last forever, but Our Lord does! God can move mountians. Hope doesn't rest in Obama, it rests with in Our Lord!

So enjoy, the historic event. Pray that God gives you understanding, if your still bitter, or confused. 1 Timothy 2:1-5

Yes, We Can pray for our President

Yes, We Can pray for our Nation

Yes, We Can because we are command to by our President forever.

Jesus Christ

1 comment:

Taylor said...

There's never been a savior on capital hill, and there never will be. God will have his way with the country and world regardless of who we put into the white house. His plans do not rely on our vote.