Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Scattered Thoughts

Scattered thoughts ........

How many of us, find ourselves asking what if? Or play out a day dream in our head. That we wish would come true. Or we can't go to sleep, because of all the thinking we are doing.

Thinking is a beautiful thing. But at times it can be a drag for your morale. When we start over thinking, doubting ourselves. That's when thinking to hard and long is bad. No to mention when your are thinking. It's usually more than one thing.

I like to call this scattered thoughts. Jumping from one thought to next one, worrying, over analyzing, or be angry over the outcome. We all think about something or someone. Thinking is human nature. Thinking is what allows us, to push ourselves to be better.

Thinking opens the door to new ideas. It allows us, to do a lot things. But there is always a limit. There are some things, we can't comprehend. We can't undo the past. But only learn from it. Thinking in moderation.

This quote sums it up.

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. - Carlos Castaneda (in reference to thinking)

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