Friday, September 25, 2009

Status Quo

We all want more. We are never content with what we have. We allow ourselves to covet after things we don't have. How can the status quo, not be so hindering to us?

Well, there's several answers to that questions. I believe most know what they must do. To stop the selfishness and jealously. It may not be, easy to do, but the concept isn't hard to comprehend.

In high school I was saving up for a car. That's what my focus was on. I made a deal with my dad. That when and if I got $2,000. My dad would get me a car and pay the rest. So I set off, on my mission to be cruising, by my junior year in high school.

In this season of my life. I wasn't very close to God at all. He had no real importance in my life. I knew that he should. But I ignored that idea all together. Nevertheless, I knew what was up. My dad knowing that I was struggling with my walk. Invited me, to promise keepers. He bugged me so much about it. I had no choice but go, just to shut the man up!

So I went with a bitter heart, and wounded soul. I began to listen to this man preaching about being a Christian. Everything he was saying, I was not. He started talking about how me entrap ourselves, of the ways of this world. He said a couple of scriptures.

But he got me thinking. I began to realize my pursuit of getting a set of wheels was out of selfish ambition. I want a car because everyone else had one. Not to mention I went to a pretty wealth school. So if I didn''t have wheels, I felt I would fall under the poor Hispanic category. I thought a car would give me popularity, girls, and friends. The status quo.

God jacked me up that day. I will never forget how His love was shown. I got the $2,000, but at promise keepers. I made a promise. My dad was going to Brazil and he really wanted me to go. I knew God wanted me to go. But I wanted a car more. But instead I used the $2,000 to go to Brazil. Which meant, no car, no superficial friends or indulging myself in selfish ambition.

Man! God you are so good. The trip to Brazil was the tipping point for me. The trip not only peaked my interest in missions, but my interest in God. The trip jacked me up.

So how many of you are concerned with status quo? I was, and times still am. But I now know. There is so much more to put your mind and efforts towards. I guarantee it, had I not gone to Brazil and got a car instead. I would been emptier with all that I thought I wanted.

Jesus is my status quo now. The only word I can think of to describe it, is ......


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