Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bare Witness

There's this guy who I see almost everyday. There's nothing out of the ordinary about him. Well, until you see his feet. No, his feet aren't abnormal and no he doesn't have an extra foot. However, the guy doesn't wear shoes to school. He is always walking around bare- footed.

Every time I saw him I wondered, why? So I thought next time I saw him. I would ask, why? So I did and his response was awesome. To be completely honest it was unexpected too. He basically told me that. He doesn't wear shoes, because he doesn't want to get caught up in the vanity of the world. He named other reasons. But the last reason was the best.

He simply said "Its for Christ, so I can be a witness to others." I've observed this guy and he truly lives it out. The way he lives his life would be sufficient. That others might see Christ in him. But he goes the extra mile. He does something that's considered "out there' so others may know Christ.

So it got me thinking. Do we try to avoid going the extra mile? The extra mile doesn't require you to walk bare- footed. It may require you to befriend a lonely person, or moving to a different country. The point being as Christians shouldn't we be striving? To share God's glory?

I know at times I try to avoid those conversations, or helping people I don't know too well. Why do we at times, avoid being a witness to others? We try to find excuses. But they will never justify. What we, know we should do.

Being a witness for Christ isn't suppose to be easy. I falter all the time. But being a witness means getting our of your comfort zone and not drowning in your own comfort.

Take that leap!
Bare Witness

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