Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Discipline is so hard, yet rewarding when accomplished. Discipline can be displayed in several capacities. Discipline takes a lot. But why is it so hard to maintain? Discipline requires effort, character, and dedication.

I have tried and failed to get myself. To play the guitar for 15 minutes a day. So many projects on hold. At first, I always, thought it would be cool to have a blog. But when you have a blog, you need to blog. It takes discipline, to write on a consistent basis. Discipline takes heart and upping your level of audacity and initiative.

I have several projects on hold. I want to train to run a marathon. To start reading more. I have slumped in my reading. Thanks to summer vacation. I also want to study abroad in Costa Rica. But the paperwork and money has gotten a bit overwhelming. Anyways, I will try and fail again. But if, the discipline is maintained. Well the result will be different.

Living proof would be the blog, right?


Anonymous said...

you could drop all of those other things in your life and become a more diligent disciple of Christ. sometimes we allow ourselves to open our realm of dreaming too far... we attempt to become who we aren't or who we think everyone will accept us as, rather than focusing and fine-tuning who we already are, who God made us to be. decide to no longer play the guitar, or to never run a marathon. no one will ever question those things you've never done in the first place. wouldn't being yourself be the best example of 'living proof'?

jose said...

Good point, whoever you are? I realized all this after I posted it.

And I haven't picked the guitar since.