Monday, August 31, 2009

The Ministry: On Passion and Obedience

Here's my current predicament that I'm in. Well, actually, predicament is too strong of a word. Dilemma would be too. So let's go, with what I want to blog about.

The ministry: As for those who are involved in any ministry. We all know its, a lot of work. That its not a easy thing to maintain. There are high and low points. There are times when, some feel the call to leave and to let it flourish.

But overall, ministry is driven, by a passion. A passion that is very unique and real. People from the outside see it, they feel it. But the most important thing about this passion. Is learning how to use it. Learning that passion drives us, through our passion for Jesus.

But obedience is just as necessary. Obedience is an act of love. God ask us, to be obedient no matter the call. Within any ministry demonstrating obedience to our Father, is imperative. The effect obedience has, comes on many levels, personal spiritual growth, the ministry and your relationship with Christ.

These two have stood out to me. Just recently, I have examined how I act upon passion and obedience. I lead a ministry in feeding the homeless and have gained much from it. I help with missions, college ministry as well. I have the felt the passion for all, but for the ministry in general.

But I'm beginning to realize there's a lot to learn still. I know several other "church words" could have been used like clarity, faith, love, and trust to name a few. There all important to the ministry.

But as time, goes on and when people leave. Will the ministry stay on? Yes I know God sustains the ministry. But what I mean, is the ministry within every single individual. We all are a walking ministry in my eyes. With our stories, experiences and talents that God has given us. The ministry is God's. But that doesn't mean, we stop!

Will you ever turn the light out on your ministry? Will you be the light, no matter location, situation or call?

The ministry will go on and so will our passion. Obedience will be required in some fashion.

See it as a privilege to have the opportunity to spread the word. To help those who are searching for the light.

That's ministry!
That's passion!
That's obedience!
That's Our God!

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