Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Last Profound Thoughts Of The Year

As I started to write this blog. I wanted to leave my readers with something profound. Something they could chew on as they watch the fireworks. Something that would challenge them to be better. As I thought about how I was going to do just that. I thought just write, whats on the heart. So....... here goes nothing.

This year has had its up and downs like every year. The difference with this year is I've been willing to learn. Those who know me, know I 'm very hard headed. I can be jerk at times and I can blurt out, stupid hurtful things. During this year I've started to realize the growth that was taking place. I allowed God to come in on so many things. Sure I still have strongholds I need to demolish still. But I have grown in my walk. I think before I say, I've become a better listener. My patience has come along way. I'm not has stubborn has I was in the past.

My growth in some areas has been very evident. In the other areas theirs some chiseling to do and molding. Which brings me, to my revelation of the year. It may not, be to others. I've been aware of it, I'm just finally putting it into action.

Allowing God to chisel us, to allow the reins down on everything. For example building faith, in knowing God will provide the necessary funds and support for my trip to Japan. Allowing God 's watch to be the watch I follow for everything, relationships, school, and my future. To set side my own interest, for the interest of others. The chiseling has begun, so as you watch the fireworks with your friends and family.

Don't make a promise that you can't keep. Sit down be still and ask God where do I start? Maybe, you know where you need to start. Then take time to see how you can execute that plan to the fullest. Sure, it may mean a lot of sacrifices, losing friends, and getting out of your comfort zone. But the end result is, well worth it.

Journey once sang " Don't Stop Believing" so, when you go into your reflection mode today. Realize the potential and hope that lies in front of you.

"Don't Stop Believing"

I digress, hope it was profound.

Happy New Years To All!

Don't think to hard=)