Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Under A Bridge

Thanksgiving is upon us (or at least in the U.S.)! As every gets set to devour turkeys, and walk out with a full stomach, or some major heart burn. My family once again will be doing Thanksgiving a little different. Our family will be short one member my father. He left for Brazil yesterday and will be helping people in the slums. Instead of getting fat and happy on turkey day. But today, I will be downtown having thanksgiving with the homeless under the bridge.

Throughout my life I can only think of maybe 4 or 5 times out of my 21 years. That I had a "real thanksgiving dinner" in terms of the holiday and how it is celebrated. Not that its bad to celebrate, I love thanksgiving. But tonight as we head downtown to feed our brothers and sisters. I will be having a feast. Of serving these people who are less fortunate, who are stuck, lost. Whatever it maybe I will come out humbled, and probably with a few tears. But I will come out thankful. Of how much I've been blessed and I deserve none of it. A lot of us I have been blessed beyond measure. So take time to thank God, your family, and friends. For it could be you with nothing and seeking food anywhere you can find it. I pray we all seek the Lord as our fulfillment.

I will serve them like family
I will serve them like brother and sisters
I serve them like Jesus

Not just them but anyone.

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