Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My Last Profound Thoughts Of The Year
This year has had its up and downs like every year. The difference with this year is I've been willing to learn. Those who know me, know I 'm very hard headed. I can be jerk at times and I can blurt out, stupid hurtful things. During this year I've started to realize the growth that was taking place. I allowed God to come in on so many things. Sure I still have strongholds I need to demolish still. But I have grown in my walk. I think before I say, I've become a better listener. My patience has come along way. I'm not has stubborn has I was in the past.
My growth in some areas has been very evident. In the other areas theirs some chiseling to do and molding. Which brings me, to my revelation of the year. It may not, be to others. I've been aware of it, I'm just finally putting it into action.
Allowing God to chisel us, to allow the reins down on everything. For example building faith, in knowing God will provide the necessary funds and support for my trip to Japan. Allowing God 's watch to be the watch I follow for everything, relationships, school, and my future. To set side my own interest, for the interest of others. The chiseling has begun, so as you watch the fireworks with your friends and family.
Don't make a promise that you can't keep. Sit down be still and ask God where do I start? Maybe, you know where you need to start. Then take time to see how you can execute that plan to the fullest. Sure, it may mean a lot of sacrifices, losing friends, and getting out of your comfort zone. But the end result is, well worth it.
Journey once sang " Don't Stop Believing" so, when you go into your reflection mode today. Realize the potential and hope that lies in front of you.
"Don't Stop Believing"
I digress, hope it was profound.
Happy New Years To All!
Don't think to hard=)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Being Positive
Its so easy, to think negative. Especially if things aren't going your way, or if you want attention and sympathy from someone. When I'm down I 'm pretty darn good at being negative. Being negative can change your attitude even your actions. No one is fun to be around when their negative. So I ran around into this chart for every negative self- talk it had a positive spin for it.
- "I've never done it before." "It's an opportunity to learn something new."
- "It's too complicated." "I'll tackle it from a different angle."
- "I don't have the resources." "Necessity is the mother of invention."
- "There's not enough time." "Let's re-evaluate some priorities."
- "There's no way it will work." "I can try to make it work."
- "Its too radical a change." "Let's take a chance."
- "No one bothers to communicate with me." "I'll see if I can open the channels of communication
- "I'm not going to get any better at this." "I'll give it another try."
Most of the time its not hard to be negative. To denigrate, yourself, or others. Being positive really helps you, or that person have a different outlook on life. Every time I go on a mission trip. I meet people without homes, people that don't have money to provide food for their children, and to top it off they don't know what the next day will bring. But the individuals I've met are some of the most positive people I've encountered. Being positive is worth the work, you never know who could be watching. So as always, I found the chart and I've started to use it. Those are few examples of thousands of scenarios that could happen. But I guess what I saying is be positive even when life throws something at you. Just smile and say it will be alright. Then again, you know God's got your back.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Keeping It Simple
Over the past couple of years, as I get older. Christmas has become not so much about the presents, and traditions. It has become about the people who I love and care about. The spotlight has shifted from me to we, to him. Sure its cliche to say its all about Jesus, and quite frankly it is. Presents: traditions, family, friends, and significant others make Christmas truly special.
Christmas brings the best out of everyone (even the Scrooges). So as another Christmas passes, I will enjoy it, in a simple way. Not to fill my mind, with all the chores of Christmas, not to worry about what I got. What I should have done. I'm keeping it simple.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is I will enjoy Christmas. But the focus will be different. For the first time I will sit and be still. To thank my Father for what he has done and yet to do.
Keeping it simple. That's my approach for this Christmas
What's yours?
Merry Christmas to all!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Everything Is A Process
Staring at the computer I realized how tedious this paper was. I wasn't frustrated I was just thinking. A couple of months back I was stopped by a girl at school. She asked me to write something all this huge wall. Something I wanted everyone to see. So my first reaction was a bible verse, but as I thought more about it. I wrote down EVERYTHING IS A PROCESS (all in caps).
To me that little quote, is so true on every level of everyone's life. I'm not the most patient person in the world. I've come to realize that going through a process is healthly for every indivdual. No matter how much it sucks, hurts, sets us back. I've had my share of setbacks, tears of pain, tears of being frustrated.
The last three months I've been learning to be patient and be obedient during the seasons. No matter how long it takes. God will bring good out of it. I get myself in trouble when I jump the gun in the process. When I get got up in the status quo. When I compare myself to others and what they have accomplished.
Yesterday, my dad looked at my paper for kicks. He smiled and said hijo (with an accent) writing is a process, not a over night thing. I laughed and said I found that out last night. Better late than never.
As for the process that I will be going through in the future. I will complain, get mad, but I will learn, and come out a better person, or a paper that receives A+. Either way both will take time.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Ultimate Concert
Sure almost all those people go to church on Sunday and perhaps outside of Sunday as well. But when you get into a room full of people who love God and you don't know them. It turns out to be a very cool experience. Not to discount the great people you surround yourself with at church. But its always good to meet other people from different churches and hear their stories. Sure we may not know each other, but our love for God is what we have in common.
So it got me think when I saw all the fellowship and praising going on. I thought won't we be doing this in heaven? Think about it, praising God for what he has done. To praise him 24/7 and fellowship with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I can see everyone singing and praising the Lord. Everyone smiling for the same reason and standing in awe of our Father. Its like the ultimate concert praising God with all who love him deeply and passionately.
No one knows how heaven will be completely. But I do know it will be awesome, and awesome isn't even the right world to describe it. As close to 1,000 people gathered for the concert I started to think of Matthew 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Just imagine how will it will be in heaven. Imagine how many people it will be. Everyone bowing down to the One who gave it all.
I can't wait!
The ultimate concert awaits us!
Friday, December 12, 2008
We admire someone who's close or someone we may never meet (MLK,Gandhi, for example). What about those random strangers who have instilled the certain emotion or message you were looking for. I refer to them as "them" because I believe there is so many of them. This is true in my life people who we've met that gave us that unexpected boost. They still showed us something worth noting, something constructive.
For example I met a guy my freshman year in college. He was 25, he had a learning disability like me, but he had a severe case. He was 25 and a freshman I had more hours then him. But he was so thankful for where he was he had no car, no girlfriend. He said God would provide all that in his time. He was a history major If he wasn't reading something on history it was the Bible. He humbled me, in so many ways. He was so simple, he had a lot to complain about but never would. He would always say the Lord is enough.
One more example, I met a guy who was getting his life back on track. I use to work at Goodwill this guy less than a year ago was in jail. I met him he was on fire for Jesus. He yearned to follow the Lord everyday. He was always positive, and never thought of himself. He too was in a hard situation 35 and living with the folks. Living paycheck to paycheck, but he rejoiced in the Lord always. Now he is engaged to a godly woman he met at church and just received a promotion. I can see him laughing and yelling out God is good! Everyday I get a text message from him. He texts a verse everyday at the same time 6:30 am what a great alarm clock!
I could go on about all the people who have impacted me in a short amount of time. The people who you wouldn't invite to your birthday party. The people who wouldn't make your fab five sort of speak and that's fine. You may never see them again, or talk to them.
But I ask, to take the time for those random strangers and pray for them. To keep it up,because they have help us in a mighty way. Pray that they can keep it up for others. Pray blessings in their life. Its OK if you don't remember the name, or what they look like. You remember the most important thing what they brought to you. Their effect has lingered on, let it be inspiration to do the same.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sin In The Present Tense
I would venture to say that we have used the expression "walk by faith." Easier said then done! Peter Marshall (late Chaplin of the U.S. Senate) says it best.
"Sin in the Present Tense"
Forgive us, O God, for the doubting suspicion with which we regard the heart of God.
We have faith in checks and banks, in trains and airplanes, in cooks, and in strangers who drive us in cabs. Forgive us for our stupidity, that we have faith in people whom we do not know and are so reluctant to have faith in Thee who knowest us altogether.
We are always striving to find a complicated way through life when Thou hast a plan, and we refuse to walk in it. So many of our troubles we bring on ourselves. How silly we are.
Wilt Thou give to us that faith that we can deposit in the bank of Thy love, so that we may receive the dividends and interest that Thou art so willing to give us. We ask it all in the lovely name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Journey
The game plan was laid out ownership, commitment were a must. For this new plan to succeed. Even the small feats that our ministry has accomplished. The feats have had huge and positive results. But as I sat there seeing all the tears, fears, and excitement.
I realize this was going to be a new journey. One that was going to test us and one that would produce fruit throughout the ministry. Maintaining a ministry is a tricky thing to do. Its hard, at times the burnout takes place, and satan attacks at full force.
But at the end of the day. Its not for the numbers or how many cool gadgets we have to show people. Its about the people the community that will be built.
But most importantly its about glorify and furthering Our Father's Kingdom
I pray that we never forget that.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Remembering The Name
Suddenly my youth pastor came towards me. She yelled Jose you want something to eat? I sat in shock that she knew my name. Perhaps I was being naive, giving the fact my name was on the roll every Sunday. But anyways she came sat down and just struck up a conversation. We talked till service ended she invited me to her bible study at her house.
Why am I telling you this? Well remembering people's names can and is a very powerful thing. At the time when my youth pastor approach me. She not only knew my name she took interest in me. That interest has carried on even to this day. I was so lost, confused, and scared at that time. I just turned 13 I was a mess. She came and reflected the love of God on me.
It's not always about the name just taking time to listen, talk to people. Its huge I'm proof of that, it shows that the person cares. That your not just another face. So when I get the chance to call, text, email, or get coffee and talk to someone I pounce on it. You may just text them a little encouragement, see how they did on a test, a current trial. Whatever it may be it will speak volumes. You might not see the end result or receive accolades of your kindness. But that's not what its about.
Taking the time to just to love and share compassion.
I will never forget that Sunday. It changed my life forever.
So I pray that you take the time to talk to someone who is
yearning to be listen to, or someone who needs to vent,
someone who needs a pick me up.
We all need that sometimes.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
As the night was winding down I felt the spirit moving in me. I gather everyone in a circle homeless people, children, anyone who wanted to join. I gave a brief reminder to everyone and myself. To serve anyone that comes our way. Serve them like Jesus. To remember the power of community and what it can do. That we are all God's children.
This thanksgiving I pray we stay humble and take time to thank the Lord of what he has given us.
Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving Under A Bridge
Throughout my life I can only think of maybe 4 or 5 times out of my 21 years. That I had a "real thanksgiving dinner" in terms of the holiday and how it is celebrated. Not that its bad to celebrate, I love thanksgiving. But tonight as we head downtown to feed our brothers and sisters. I will be having a feast. Of serving these people who are less fortunate, who are stuck, lost. Whatever it maybe I will come out humbled, and probably with a few tears. But I will come out thankful. Of how much I've been blessed and I deserve none of it. A lot of us I have been blessed beyond measure. So take time to thank God, your family, and friends. For it could be you with nothing and seeking food anywhere you can find it. I pray we all seek the Lord as our fulfillment.
I will serve them like family
I will serve them like brother and sisters
I serve them like Jesus
Not just them but anyone.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Comment Messaging Phenomenon
But its sad to see that people get so caught up in it. That at times they base their self -worth, popularity, I will even go further and say identity. On how many comments, messages they receive. My senior year in high school I got introduced to texting. I knew what it was, I had an idea of how to do it. But as I started to text I had a girl in my english class who saw my texting skills were not update. So she showed me the way. This girl could text with a phone in each hand eyes closed (completely insane!). It dawned on me that this was far more than just a means to communicate. It became life to some people. I have friends who can't live without their phone or checking to see if they got comments and from whom.
I check to see if I have comments. Quite frankly it makes me happy when I get comments. I feel loved and encouraged. But I refuse to let it dictate the way I do things. How I approach my day, its to insignificant and useless for it to do that. Before I deleted myspace (which was last week) I looked up at how many comments I had total. Over a 3 year span I received 223 comments. Which in the comment messaging world. Makes me a bona fide loser score!
I forget my phone a lot in my car. So I miss calls from time to time or text. But their are people who will freak out not knowing if they have been contacted. Its amazing, its not like they are the president. Sure they maybe important to a handful of individuals. But why can't they wait? It really makes me mad when people do it in church, during prayer, when someone is talking to them. I think its disrespectful. It tells me hey hold on, this message is more important.
I know I may be the black eye pea of the bunch. But I would be OK if I never texted again. Some people would have to rushed to the hospital. I'm not saying I am better than people who love to text. What I am saying, is there is far more to worry about in life. Then what you got posted on your facebook, or who texted you.
If you don't know what is more important. Start with this starving kids in Africa, homeless people, abused women, your family, church, school, your country's current state, and the list goes on...............................................
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Releasing Our Grip
Lastly, I want to leave this prayer by Peter Marshall late chaplain of the United States Senate
Forgive us, O God for the doubting suspicion with which we regard the heart of God.
We have faith in checks and banks, in trains and airplanes, in cooks and in strangers who drive us in cabs. Forgive us for out stupidity, that we have faith in people whom we do not know and are so reluctant to have faith in Thee who knowest us altogether.
We are always striving to find a complicated way through life when Thou hast a plan, and we refuse to walk in it. So many of our troubles we bring on ourselves. How silly we are.
Wilt Thou give to us that faith that we can deposit in the bank of Thy love, so that we may receive the dividends and interest that Thou art so willing to give us. We ask it all in the lovely name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.
Releasing Our Grip
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Costly Message
I got nudge by the spirit to go pray for those drenched in tears, frustrated, and hurting. I extended my hand and prayed with them. What I learned from last night. Is we are going to mess up we are not perfect, our creator is in every way. That a life of Christian can be a grueling process. A life of Christian is called to rise above this dark and lost world. To pick up our armor and be a messenger for the Lord everyday no matter our current state. Sure it seems pretty repetitive, but at least for me. I know I need a simple message like that. To be humbled, to sit back and realize the task at hand. To check my selfishness and pride meters.
To take time and just bask in the greatness of the Lord. I know I'm guilty of getting got up with my life. That I neglect to give God my time. At times I don't give him what will cost me. Whatever that may be it reminding me of what he gave us. For starters life, his only son, so we could have hope. He gave so much and we complain when we have to sacrifice something.
We are here to glorify and further his kingdom.
To realize its going to cost us something.
So I pray if you need to do business with God to do it.
He's waiting, he's all ears full of love.
So remember the bigger the picture.
It will cost us something.
But the cost is well worth the rewards we have in heaven.
Monday, November 17, 2008
This mother had been and still is a inspiration for me. In middle school I was diagnosed with a learning disability. Not really coming to grips that I couldn't retain the material as fast as everyone. So my parents payed for me to go to a program called A.I.M. Which stood for Achievement Innovation Motivation all three I was sorely lacking. This program was setup to help kids with learning disabilities. So every time we took a test or anything close to that matter I would walk down two flight of stairs and take it in A.I.M. Every time I left the classroom I was so embarrassed that I had to leave. That I couldn't take the test like a "regular person" alienating myself for my lack of.....
But every time I walked my down to A.I.M she would welcome me with open arms. Always putting a smile on her face, always motivating and teaching us. She would put up with all the bullsh*t that I would give her. All times I would try to cheat on my test, or skip class she still loved me. I was fully aware of what I was doing. She knew I knew and she still loved on me like her own child. If I had to pick 5 people who have influenced me over my 21 years she would be in there without question. So as I waited in line to give her my condolences. I was like a little kid shaking I was nervous. My mom embraced her, then she saw me and busted in to tears.
I wanted to cry, but I was so overwhelmed. She grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug I have ever received. Word had gotten out about me being active in the ministry and going on mission trips. She said I hear your working for the Lord. I smiled and said you been doing it for years. Through this tragedy she seemed at peace, at ease if you will. Their was a glow about her. I thanked her for putting up with me. She said you never were a pain. I shook my head on the verge of tears. Humbled by her never ending example of giving and encouraging. My regret is I never thank her enough for what she has done for me. She stood in the gaps for me in one of my darkest times. She smiled when I thought I had no reason to smile. She gave me hug when I was down. She always reminded me I was a child of God no matter my grades. Or how bad I was in a particular subject (math).
So as I kissed her on her forehead having her tears come down my shirt. Hugging her with all my might. I said thank you, and thank you will never be enough. I smiled and walked off. I used to be embarrassed with my learning disability till this day I still have it. Math is my Achilles heel, I have been told I suck at reading, writing, I put to many commas they say. That I am not capable of getting a degree. That I'm pretty much hopless. So I'm fighting a lot of odds, not to mention doubts. Next semester I will be repeating the same math class for the fourth time. I was told by my history teacher I would be lucky to pass the class this semester. I'm hours behind the hours that I'm suppose to have.
But one thing I learned in A.I.M was to aim high.
To aim for the impossible.
To aim to please and glorify God
Sure I may suck at school, but I'm loved by a father who knows me inside and out
and I aim everyday to follow him and show the world to aim for him
Thank you Jan may God Bless you, in a unique and mighty way for years to come!
Love your student always
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Everything Glorious

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Reflecting On History
Last night as I saw Barack Obama become the first black president- elect. I realize I was watching history in the making. One that will be talked about for years to come. The tears that Oprah and Jesse Jackson displayed. The impact was undeniable and touching.
To see the emotions let out by black people across the nation. Even in Kenya, Africa I saw a video of them jumping and shouting for Obama. It's not so much about Obama. Has it is about what has been overcome. I am not black, I am Hispanic. With two parents who are foreign to the United States. Obama's victory really resonated with me. I'm considered a minority in this country. I too have been discriminated for my color, background etc.
It was inspiring to see how much not only the blacks have overcome. But how far we've gone as a nation. I smile for the black people this is huge for them! For all those years of suffering. They have truly overcome. It's huge for everyone, but minorities in particular. As I reflect from last night I see a glimmer of hope not just in Obama. But in We The People of the United States. The road will be a long and hard. But who thought it be easy?
All I can see is MLK smiling saying "I Have A Dream, We Shall Overcome"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
One For The Books

This election is also very historic. With Barack Obama having the prospect of being the first black president. Or Sarah Palin being the first woman vice president in office. Don't forget all the money that was spent to during the campaign. Whether you voted or you say you don't care. Everyone will be glued to the T.V. To see the results.
This election is so huge. That generations from now kids will be reading about it in their history books. This election will effect us no matter the outcome. No matter class, race, or age all are effected
So if America votes for McCain Palin, or Obama Biden. I hope as nation we can put our differences aside. In a time in which huge needs are very evident. That we as a nation can start the turnaround of the current situations were in.
Let the humbling begin.
Friday, October 31, 2008
God Is Bigger

On the trip to Beaumont (actually a little town called Fanetta 15 minutes south of Beaumont). We got to help a family who had just bought a house 4 months ago. The house was just about destroyed all around. FEMA told them they had too much debris to pick up. So they dug out a Olympic size pool of a hole. They threw all their trash, debris in there. Before it fills, burn it and then cover it. I lead a team of 9 including myself. Sunday afternoon as we got done helping this family. We saw something that really rocked out world. Once again, I personally was humbled and reminded of a awesome God we serve. The picture is simple, two verses that the family wrote on the remains of their house. But it spoke volumes to our group. That God is faithful and now matter how bad it gets. He is bigger than any storm that comes our way.
Tranquility in times of chaos.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Finding The Good
To be honest, I've been having a couple of crappy days. I wanted the spotlight on me and my sucky life(I don't have anything to complain about). To have all my injustices exposed. I recently realized I need to just sit back and see all God has done. Regardless of my current state of mind. So,I started to see the little things that make life worth wild! Like seeing a squirrel jump tree to tree, or watching kids play on a playground. The little things sometimes are the most profound, and calming forces we experience.
No matter how bad life is, I can still find some good. So as I enter another crappy day. I will no longer pout, and linger in sorrow for myself. I will simply find the nearest, simplest thing in the world to make me realize. It is good.
Remember God felt the same way about us. He saw the good in us.
Genesis 1:31
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Southwest Division Preview
San Antonio Spurs- One healthy Ginobili from going to the finals? That may be true, but no need to look in the past. The Spurs are no longer the cream of the crop in the west. Ginobili is out till mid-December, the Spurs are getting close to ancient. Tony Parker(26) will continue to develop into a superstar point guard. Tim Duncan will still be solid on a nightly basis. Outside of that it's up in the air. The Spurs have almost the same team coming back. The new addition happen to be relatively young. Starting with Roger Mason(28) he will be expected with Finley to pick up the slack till Ginobili comes back. Rookie George Hill( 22,IUPUI) can he be a sufficient backup for Parker? With all that said the Spurs are very capable of bring a ring back to the Alamo city. But this is the last chance with this group. Expect a huge youth movement next summer.
New Orleans Hornets- Chris Paul will be in the running for MVP. David West is a great sidekick to Paul. Tyson Chandler is a great defensive presence. The addition of James Posey will help more than we know. The bench is a little thin especially for the front line. Peja Stojavokic and Mo Peterson will have the green light to shoot. This team is ready for the next step. Except that next step isn't the NBA Finals. Hornets are one year away from being in a title. They need to tune up their bench for that to happen.
Houston Rockets- Ron Artest makes the Rockets contenders. He brings defense, depth and size. Pair him with Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming and you have very dangerous trio. Not to mention utility man Luis Scola and a maturing Rafer Alston. Also a solid bench that includes Shane Battier, Carl Landry, and Brent Barry. This is considering the fact that Yao and T-mac stay healthy and Ron doesn't go loony. If that happens it will be the biggest choke in clutch city.
Dallas Mavericks- How long can Jason Kidd be able to hold up? Will Josh Howard behave and not say stupid things he will regret? Will Dirk Nowitzki regain his MVP form? A lot of question to answer. With new coach Rick Carisle the Mavs will run more and abandon their defensive approach. Jason Terry should come off the bench for a little punch. Brandon Bass should get ample time to continue his development. Dallas has a nice center tag team in DeSagana Diop and Erick Dampier. Overall this team team is good enough to make the playoffs and that's about it. Expect Mark Cuban to move players if things go sour in Big D.
Memphis Grizzlies- Memphis has a promising group of youngsters. Starting with Rudy Gay a All- Star in the making. Rookie O.J. Mayo(USC) is a gunner and smart player. Mike Conley has a year under is belt and should improve. Rookie Marc Gasol(Spain) Pau Gasol's younger brother has a lot of promise at the 5. The bench is almost not worth mention. Harrick Warrick should get more playing time. Marc Iavaroni has his work cut out for him. This season should get ugly in the lost column. But it will be a year that this young team can grow together. With a couple of moves to fill some voids. This team could be on the rise before you know it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pacific Division Preview
Los Angeles Lakers- L.A. is stacked just having MVP Kobe Bryant gives you a chance. You add two 7-footers in Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum and multi- talented 6-10 forward Lamar Odom. Not to mention the point guard tandem of Derek Fisher and Jordan Farmar. The bench has talent has well Sasha Vujacic, Luke Walton and Vladimir Radmanovic. The cherry on the top is that they have Phil Jackson coaching. However L.A. has some doubts. Starting with Kobe can he hold up from Finals play to Olympic play to a injured finger. One wrong move on his hand and the Lakers contention for a title is over. Another issue is will Odom come off the bench or be traded? Overall, if Kobe stays healthy and if Bynum and Gasol mix this team will be the favorites to win it all.
Los Angeles Clippers- Baron Davis has arrived, Elton Brand and Corey Maggette have departed. Marcus Camby is in to shore up the frontcourt with Chris Kaman. Keep an eye on youngsters Al Thornton, rookies Eric Gordon(Indiana) and DeAndre Jordan(Texas A&M) they good be very productive. Cuttino Mobley will be sufficient for now. The bench is full of players who can fill it up, but only from time to time. Mike Dunleavy is still there imagine that. The Clippers are intriguing team. If B-Diddy can stay healthy and focused. Also If Camby and Kaman can jell with the others. The Clippers making the playoffs should be a very real possibility.
Phoenix Suns- Terry Porter has just been given the keys to a team. At a crossroads, Steve Nash isn't getting younger(34) Shaquille O'neal(36) and Grant Hill(36) either. However Amare Stoudemire is a beast and should take advantage of playing next to the Big Diesel. Expect Amare to be the leading scorer for the Suns. Raja Bell is solid. Leandro Barbosa is still a blur, and Boris Diaw is still useful. Matt Barnes was a good pickup and should start, rookie Robin Lopez(Stanford) was a good pick. The question mark is rookie point guard Goran Dragic(Slovenia) and apparently heir to Nash. Porter has a good team, but they will need to mix the youth and veterans in order to be successful.
Golden State Warriors- Corey Maggette was a good pickup and should help with Baron Davis gone. Stephen Jackson is very productive. Monta Ellis is an idiot for the moped accident. It will hurt the team and his development at point guard. Brandan Wright should get more playing time. Ronny Turiaf will bring energy off the bench. Don Nelson will let the reins loose on offense and defense. But at the end of the day this team will fall short of the playoffs. On the positive side they should be fun to watch!
Sacramento Kings- With Ron Artest gone Kevin Martin is no doubt the guy in Sac-town. Beno Udrih showed that he can play and be productive on a nightly basis. John Salmons is very talented forward for a bad team. The Kings have a plethora of young forwards, rookie Donte Greene(Syracuse) rookie Jason Thompson(Rider) and 2ND year Spencer Hawes. Not to mention centers Brad Miller and Mikki Moore. Francisco Garcia is in for a big year. Other than that the Kings are in rebuilding mode and have some interesting pieces to build on. King fans should expect a long season, with a hopefully future.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Northwest Division Preview
Portland Trailblazers- Greg Oden is back and ready to roll, Brandon Roy is a superstar in the making, and Nate McMillan is a hall fame coach in the making. The LaMarcus Aldridge is a stat stuffer, Travis Outlaw is quiet guy that does everything. The bench is full of fresh talented players Channing Frye, Rudy Fernandez(Spain), and rookie Jerryd Bayless(Arizona). Portland is can be scary good. They should be a shoe in for the playoffs. But like every young team. The Blazers will face some growing pains. In the future this team could be the next dynasty. The sky is the limit for these young Blazers.
Denver Nuggets- The Nuggets will no doubt be a offensive machine with A.I. and Melo leading the way. J.R. Smith can score at a rapid pace as well. The Nuggets traded Marcus Camby for cap space. Camby was the anchor of their defense. So can Nene and Kenyon Martin hold the fort down? The bench is average, nothing to get excited about. George Karl will be in the hot sit if the Nuggets go south quick. Denver is truly a talented team. But until they play defense. The Nuggets will get eliminated in the 1st round at best.
Utah Jazz- Utah has a great pick and roll combo in Deron Williams and Carlos Boozer. Memo Okur spreads the defense with his 3pt shooting. Ronnie Brewer does the little things that have a huge impact. Anderi Kirilenko is a player of many talents. The bench is good with shooting specialist Kyle Korver, rebounding and low post play Paul Millsap, and veteran leadership in Matt Harpring. Not to mention some young talent. Jerry Sloan will get the best out of his team. But can they make it to the finals. Anything short of the finals would be a failure.
Minnesota Timberwolves- This team could be a sleeper for a 7 or 8 seed in the playoffs. Al Jefferson is explosive center on the rise. Rookie Kevin Love(UCLA) should be a great complement to Jefferson. The T-wolves got Mike Miller in the Mayo Love swap. Miller should keep defenses honest. Miller also gives Minny a another scorer. The bench is full of good solid players Ryan Gomes, Rashard McCants, and Craig Smith. Minny has a lot of talent and could be a surprise to the league.
Oklahoma City Thunder- Why the Thunder they couldn't think of a better name? Anyways, off my soap box. Kevin Durant is a scorer, but can he play some D. Jeff Green is a really talented utility guy. Rookie Russell Westbrook(UCLA) is a project on converting to a shooting guard to point guard. Nick Collision is undersized but hustles. Chris Wilcox is up and down. The bench is a project as well. The Thunder have a lot of work to do. One thing they should pursue are some veterans to shore up the bench. However I don't see the Thunder striking for awhile.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Think Different
My brother came into town the on Wednesday. As he got home he came in to show me a video. He saw in one of his classes. That he thought I would like. The title of the video was Think Different it was a apple commercial. It was actually pretty good, it had people. Who "thought different" which included Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King Jr, and Amelia Earhart to name a few. Here's the link.
As I watched again that night .I thought to myself Christians "think different" we try to be of God and not of the world. Thanks captain obvious, but I mean we really do. Jesus was always the black eye- pea of the bunch. Jesus never settled for the standards of the world. Jesus loved those who were casted out as useless, stupid and so on. Jesus conquer sin no matter the obstacle. Jesus remained focused on his Father's work on earth.
I sat there absorbing all this information. On how I strive to be different for myself. Imagine if we all strive to "think different" in terms of God's standards. For the standards of God are completely different then of the worlds.
So Let's Think Different!
Let's Be Guided By The Light!
In This Dark World
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Southest Division Preview
Orlando Magic- Dwight Howard is a man child, he's super athletic, and a beast on the boards. However, he lacks a reliable go to move and a consist post game. Rashard Lewis can score and not much else, Hedo Turkoglu shined in this system and will continue to do so. Jameer Nelson is a great leader, but lacks a lot of qualities that a true point guard needs. The bench is thin up front and in the back court sub par at best. The Magic are a talented team, but they lack the ingredients to be considered contenders rigth now.
Atlanta Hawks- Al Horford is a undersized center, but showed he can hold his own. Horford will continue to improve. Josh Smith is very talented, but loses focus on little kiddie things. If he starts to mature watch out! Mike Bibby should benefit with a full training camp under his belt. Marvin Williams showed that he isn't a bust(yet). The bench is very thin, expect some trades to go down. To address some needs on the bench. Joe Johnson is the man on this team, he showed it against Boston. The really question for this team. Is can they stay focused and build off last years success.
Washington Wizards- Gilbert Arenas should shut up get over his injury and play. Because the Wiz just signed him to a fat contract(6 years 111 million) Antawn Jamison is a work horse, if only he had a reliable post up game. Caron Butler is the best player, because he plays both sides of the ball. The bench is solid, the Wiz problem is there commitment to defense. They can score with anyone that's for sure. But until they commit to the defensive side of the ball. The Wiz will receive plenty of 1st round exits, or worse be lottery bound.
Miami Heat- This team to me has enough talent to make some noise. Dwyane Wade is healthy and showed the world in the Olympics. Shawn Marion is in a contract year, which should be extra motivation for him to play well. Rookie Micheal Beasely(Kansas state) is a strong candidate for Rookie of the Year. The bench isn't is bad as people say. James Jones can play D, shoot the 3-ball. Udonis Haslem is a bulldog and does the little things. The only thing Heat lack are a center and a point guard. So the Heat will be playing center/point guard by committee. Heat have the talent it will on depend. On how they respond in pivotal games down the stretch. Oh yeah and their rookie head coach Ed Spolestra.
Charlotte Bobcats- Larry Brown is back, how will this new gig turn out? Emaka Okafor is underachieving and lacks a offensive game. Jason Ricardson is a scorer and nothing else. Gerald Wallace is a solid player. The point guard situation should get interesting, especially since Brown's in. The bench has a lot of young legs and inexperience. At the end of the day the Bobcats will be lucky to have a glance at a playoff berth. What can Brown do for you? Should be fun!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Central Division Preview
Detriot Pistions- In Motown the Pistons will be rolling. The starting lineup is still the same, except for one new addition. Coach Mike Curry says Antonio McDyess will be coming off the bench. Which should help the Pistons depth. Expect Amir Johnson to start at the 5 or 4. The Pistons bench has a great balance of veterans and young guns. Rodney Stuckey should have a solid season, especially if he gets more minutes. The only thing that's holding this team back is themselves. So we shall see how they react in late April
Cleveland Cavaliers- LeBron James is "superhuman" not only did he get better. King James is still growing? To a 6"9 260 small forward, who can do just about anything. The Cavs are a good team, but not great. Their defense is solid, but their offense is a joke. Their offense runs through LBJ, but they rely on him to much. Everyone else just sits their and watches. The acquisition of Mo Williams should help a little. I'm not sold on this deal, Mo is a good player but, can he handle a offense in dire need of production outside of James? The front court is either old or offensively challenged. Once again, it looks like LBJ will have at best minimum help. Danny Ferry better be working those phones,2010 isn't far away.
Chicago Bulls- Derrick Rose was selected #1 overall in the 2008 draft. Rose is a fine point guard, but he doesn't address the hugely obvious need. Micheal Beasley(Kansas State)
would of had a bigger impact in the windy city. They have most of their roster coming back. They also have a rookie coach in Vinny Del Negro. Don't be surprised to see trades with the plethora of young talent they have. Rose may be a good player. But he doesn't score in the post. Until Chicago gets a post presence, getting a 7th or 8th seed in the playoffs is over achieving.
Indiana Pacers- Jermaine O'neal is finally gone, Jammal Tinsley is on his way out. In comes rookies Brandon Rush(Kansas) Roy Hibbert(Georgetown) and veterans T.J. Ford, Jarrett Jack, and Rasho Nesterovic. Danny Granger is a future all-star, Mike Dunleavy is playing solid ball. The bench is above average. Jim O'Brien is a underrated coach. Making the playoffs is a possibility this year.
Milwaukee Bucks- The Bucks got a coach in Scott Skies. Skies will preach defense all year long. Sadly, the Bucks will not respond to his intense defense approach. However, Richard Jefferson should help the Bucks. Joe Alexander(West Virgina) is a tough cookie, a talented one too. Michael Redd is a marksman not much else. Bogut is ok, nothing special. The Bucks had some good pickups during the off season. But their lack of focus on the defensive side and chronic injuries should derail this team to the lottery.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Atlantic Division Preview
The Atlantic this year will be interesting, with the champion Celtics, the Sixers new addition in Brand, and Jermaine O'neal play alongside Chris Bosh. You can't forget the Knicks who have a new coach in Mike D' Antoni and Nets who hope their roster of young talent can show some signs.
Boston Celtics(NBA World Champions)- The Big Three came up big, by delivering a championship to bean town. For every champion the same question arises, can they repeat? For starters the Celtics kept the starting lineup the same. They add Darius Miles in a low risk move, Partick O'Bryant should get a lot more burn then he did in the Bay Area, and they added solid rookies in Bill Walker out of (Kansas State) and J.R. Giddens of(New Mexico). But they lost James Posey to New Orleans. This lost will hurt the Celtics, Posey's ability to guard multiple positions, and 3pt shooting will be missed. This means Tony Allen will get Posey's minutes. Overall the Celitcs are fine, and have a legit shot to repeat. We will see if The Big Three can stay healthy. Their not getting any younger.
Philadephia 76ers- The Sixers made the biggest splash of the summer. By landing Elton Brand from the LA Clippers. Brand gives them the post presence. That they have been lacking for I don't know how long. Brand will take the scoring load off Andre Iguodala. Iguodala should flourish with Brand in the post. Andre Miller is a underrated point guard. Don't forget Samuel Dalembert as center and promising forward Thaddeus Young. The Sixers bench has 6th man potential in Louis Willams, they signed Theo Ratliff(for D), Donyell Marshall and Kareem Rush(3pt shooting). They drafted Marresse Speights(Florida) has shown promise and may get some time behind Brand. Overall, the Sixers look good on paper. However, youth and lack of 3pt shooting may be their Achilles heel. The Sixers will be a team you won't want to see in April.
Toronto Raptors- Up in Canada the Raptors are ready to embark on a new journey. Can they get past the 1st round? Can they exceed last years record of(41-41)? A lot of questions, and the Raptors should answer by the All- Star break. The Jermaine O'neal trade is a 50-50. If he stays healthy they can make some big time noise. If he gets hurt like usual, then the Raptors could be staring at the lottery. Jamario Moon is a stud at the 3, Andrea Bargnani play will make or break his future in Toronto, and Anthony Parker will be overlooked as usual. Jose Calderon is better than T.J. Ford. But if Calderon is hurt for a extended period of time. The Raptors could see the lottery. This team has talent but, if key players go down. The shallow bench will have to step up. If that's the case well you know..............
New York Knicks- The only reason the Knicks are relevant is the fact they reside in the Big Apple. Can Mike D'Antoni make them relevant? Can Marbury shut up and behave? The Knicks have plenty of issues to settle. As for their summer it was almost silent. They signed Chris Duhon from Chicago Bulls, drafted Italian rookie Danilo Gallinari, and for most part kept the same roster. Will D'Antoni help the Knicks play as a team? I can come with a thousand questions for this team. D'Antoni will be bring his run and gun offense to NYC. Marbury is one dumb accident away from being traded, or getting a buyout. The Knicks will be lucky to hit .500. Two things are certain Spike Lee seating courtside and plenty of juicy stories.
New Jersey Nets- I really don't how to approach this team. They will be a lottery team. They are try to get cap space for King James. Jay-Z has some ownership in the Nets. The Nets drafted Brook Lopez(Stanford), Devin Harris is a upcoming point guard, Yi has plenty of time to improve. Then there's Vince Carter who will have to shoulder almost the whole scoring load. Outside of Carter, Harris, and Yi no one can score on a regular basis. Other than that, it should be interesting to see how they score. Don't be surprised to see Carter get traded by the trade deadline. Other than that the Nets don't have much going on. 2010 is when they will be busy, but if they don't land LeBron. Then they be in the role of being a witness, once again.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tears of Paulino
Has he cried we huddled around this man of God. We sang How Great Is Our God as we sang. Paulino started to wipe the tears away. Paulino goes 24/7 he never stops. Monday - Saturday he's at the orphanage. Sunday he preaches 3 different services. Then the cycle starts all over. As I was humbled by this man's honest and obedient example. I started to feel the impact. Of what a man can do when he is so focused on God and God alone. Paulino has been for 20 years. Sure he gets frustrated and mad. He showed it to us. But has we got done singing. He started to smile and simply said " This is what God wants me to do"
Friday, September 26, 2008
"I Have No Home But Faith"
Fast forward a week later. I get a call from our missions pastor. Asking if I could assemble a team to go to Beaumont, Texas to aid a pastor there for a weekend. I called the pastor in Beaumont, we chatted a little. He then said I need some prayer. The pastor's house had been completely destroyed. He chuckled a little and said I have no home but faith. He finished with God will provide. As this pastor goes back home to no physical home. He will be comforted by his faith in God. Not seeing anything but, letting God deal with it. What a powerful testament of his faith. Not only that but, the power of faith.
It's funny how(especially me at times) our faith crumbles in matter of seconds. When everything is going south, and you can't see any light in the dark. We start running and not turning to the true source. The source with all the answers.
I finished my conversation with the pastor. I sat there and started to smile. I may have a physical home and luxuries of a home. But the only real and true home I have is my faith in God. It's my refugee, for without it I would be homeless. God is the source nothing else. I pray we all are bold to go deep in our faith with God. No matter the situation, or position we are in. GOD NEVER FAILS!
By the way we leave October 17-19
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Luke 16:19-31 Poem
Luke 16:19-31
The Rich Man and Lazarus 19"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23In hell,[a] where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.'
25"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'
27"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, 28for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'
29"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.'
30" 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.'
31"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.
Luke 16:19-31
Dressed in Purple I was
While Lazarus bleeds he has all he needs
We were both put to the rest
Thinking we had passed the test
Was not enough, boy was it tuff
To see what could have been
While Lazarus sat in peace
All I wanted was some relief
I can't put together my beliefs
In anguish I cried and fell
On my knees all over again
Realizing Lazarus demise
did not dictate his prize
Friday, September 19, 2008
Parking Lot Attention
So it got me thinking .I was amazed by what people will do for a parking spot. You become if you will, that individual focus, center of the world at that moment. So I thought why are we not like that for people in true need? Like starving kids in Africa, or the guy who sits by himself at school, church, lunch, where ever. Or even a family member, or person struggling in your class or at work.
Why don't we have the yearning at times to "walk across the room?" Why don't we take the initiative to say hi, extend a helping hand? To have the same audacity as the individuals seeking the parking spot. It seems there's no limit to what they, won't do for a spot. Why can't we have that for God's children who are hurting, seeking, or lost(which encompass all of us). As I parked my car this morning in the UTSA parking lot.
God really convicted me of this. So I sat there, teared a little and realized. I was once that hurt, lonely soul.
I pray that we can emulate the same tenacity as the parking lot seekers and (10 times that).
God loves all.
So let's rev those engines!!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
We Are Loved
Different stories, different dreams,
Same world, same father
We go along our way
Getting ready for the next day
The sun rises the sun sets
Regardless of how the 24 went
We are still loved
Far more than we know
We are loved......
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
So I pray that we .............
Amplify every aspect of our life
in a way that would glorify our
Father in heaven. So that others
would see the greatness of our Lord.
So my brother and sisters
let's get amped to amplify
the word, power, and love
of God!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
13 Reason To Watch The NFL This Year
- 1.Can the Giants repeat?- Eli looks good so does the O-line, burress is a stud. The D needs a little work. They have a shot,realistically they will have a nice playoff run. But no Super Bowl trip.
- 2.Brett Favre- I'm so tired of hearing about the former packer. Favre will wish he never came back. Expect Favre to have a tuff season with the NY Jets.
- 3.Patriots- One win from being "perfect", the patriots will be favorites to go back. It should be interesting to watch Tom, Randy, and liar Bill Belichick.
- 4. NFC East- It's stacked top to bottom(Cowboys,Giants,Redskins,Eagles) every divisional game will be pivotal, which usually makes for good football.
- 5. Adrian Peterson- Expect the Vikings to run him like crazy, that can be a good or bad thing. Time will tell.
- 6. Aaron Rodgers- QB after Favre who would of thought. Rodgers has potential, the question is how much?
- 7.Adam "Pacman" Jones- Mr Jones will behave, and Dallas will reap the benefits of taking the chance on him.
- 8. Ocho- Cinco- Will Chad have better numbers? By the way its Ochenta y Cinco.
- 9. Carolina Panthers- No injuries, should make noise in weak division.
- 10 San Diego Chargers- No Super Bowl, no progress make or break season. Merriman is in the same situation.
- 11.Donovan McNabb- Is very motivated, hopefully he doesn't get another injury. If so it's bye bye Philly.
- 12.Fantasy Football- Enough said.
- 13.Jaws Love is play by play analysis. Plus it's Monday night.
Enjoy the season!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Classical Music
When I was in middle school I went to a special lab for math. My teacher use to tell me that classical music helps when you are studying(especially math). So I gave this piece of past advice a try. Typed in classical music on youtube , and I clicked on ode to joy. A great classic I must say.
As I was getting immersed in this old old school music. I realized it was helping, it was soothing, my ears felt, awesome! There's something tranquil about classical music. I can't put my finger on it, but it helped me. So now in the next couple days I will be downloading some classical music.
Next time you get tired of music with words. Try some classical music. It may not help you pass your math class. But it most definitely clear your mind.